Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 31 May 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 6 June 2010 4:30 p.m.
Monday, 31 May
Happy Memorial Day in remembrance of all the past and present men fighting for our country.
This morning I trimmed all the bushes, hedges, etc. with the gas
trimmer. While raking up the mess I pulled weeds and raked up some of
the dead maple seeds still lying around including the mess Bob raked
off the roof yesterday. The weather forecast had rain and thunder
storms moving in by 2pm. We had off and on clouds most of the morning.
When the sun was out it was pretty warm. I went through three bottles
of water and a bottle of gatorade. Forturnately I got an early start
because the dark gray clouds moved in around 12:30 and the wind started
picking up. I had just put all the tools away and was putting Hollytone
fertilizer on all the bushes when I heard the first clap of thunder.
I put my brace in to soak while I cooled off some waiting on the storm
to pass so I could jump in the shower. From the looks of the radar we
have more rain and storms coming in behind the first one. We are having
leftover beef ribs from Saturday night for an easy dinner.
Footnote - After Bob had to reinstall things when my computer crashed
the spell checker does not work in Kompozer. So, don't laugh too hard
when you read the various typos and slips of fingers that previously my
spell check would catch. Most are just typos but I also can't spell
worth a darn.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
I am reading another book by Donna Ball
that is not a mystery. She started a new series about three fifty
something women who purchase a 100+ year old farm in the heart of the
Shenandoah Valley to "start life over again". I loved Ball's
writing and sense of humor in her mysteries. In A Year on Ladybug Farm
its two steps forward and one step back as they try to make the
necessary repairs to make the house livable. Along the way all sorts of
mishaps occur including the discovery of a flock of sheep they did not
know came with the farm along with a crazy border collie. The scene
where one of the ladies comes upon a snake in the old dairy barn had me
almost rolling out of bed laughing. Good dialog along with a lot of
good old fashion wisdom makes the book read almost a real life story.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
A very busy day all around. It was nose to
the grindstone all day going from project to project at work. On the
way home I made a quick stop at the library to return/pick up books.
With thunderstorms in the forecast for every evening this week I wanted
to get the lawn mowed since it had gotten so high again.
I managed to finish the lawn and get dinner cooked just as a
nasty storm started rolling in. It missed us for the most part going
east and south of our part of the county. While Bob cleaned up the
kitchen I gave Malcolm a quick out with more coming in behind this one.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
The house is starting to fill up with cardboard boxes again as you can read on Bob's page today. I just love the warehouse decorating plan.
I am reading another Victoria Thompson Gaslight Mystery, Murder On
Gramercy Park. Last night we watched a new show, Jonathan Creek, who
designs tricks for a magician played by Anthony Head of Buffy fame.
Jonathan gets roped into solving his first murder investigation when a
investigative/activist/journalists played by Carolina Quentine of Blue
Murder fame gets Jonathan to help out because of his extrodinary mind.
The first two episodes where good enough for us to try some more.
Tonight we are watching a movie starring Emma Thompson as a head
mistress in An Education, sort of a coming of age movie set in 1961
starring Carey Mulligan an up and coming young British actress.
Friday 4 June 2010
Saturday, 5 June 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I had become increasingly unhappy with our
mechanic. This last issue with the state inspection getting messed up
was the last straw. For one thing, he is really pretty far out for us
especially when we have to leave the car. I always thought he did good
work though he was a little high. We also recommended him to a lot of
folks over the 22 years he has serviced our cars.
This morning I took the car to Merchants Tire and Auto to have the oil
changed and get the brakes checked. I was hearing that grinding noise
again that I heard last year when we had all the work done. Part of the
other problem with Tim is they are only open M-F 8 to 5. To get work
done I have to leave work early or use part of a day off. Merchants has
weekend and evening hours and they are only about three miles or so
from the house.
I spent a couple of hours reading while the car was being worked on.
They showed me the rear brakes and rotors and rusted calipers which
they cleaned up while replacing the brakes and rotors. I very happy
with the service. Once I finished up there I had several other stops to
make on the way home.
I edged and mowed. The grass was pretty high even though I just mowed
on Wednesday night. Malcolm helped a little but he stayed in most of
the time. It's close to 90 but there is a decent breeze. He would run
around a few minutes then come up on the porch to be let back in. Smart
Sunday, 6 June 2010
[Sunday] [Next
Happy birthday to Bob and to my brother-in-law Al.
Bob had a hair cut this morning before I did the weekly cleaning. I
also used the trimmers to thin out Malcolm's "pants" along the back. If
they get too long and thick they get big knots in them that I have to
cut out.
I left the house around 11 to met the folks, Frances, and Al at Cities
for Sunday brunch. From there we stopped at a garden shop just down the
road from the restraurant where I bought some very nice bedding plants
for my pots and the bed out front. Before I did the planting I washed
my car. When I started on the plants I forgot I had run out of potting
soil. Since Bob's truck needed to be driven I took his to the nearby
Roses to get potting soil then filled up the gas tank.
It is very hot and muggy. I don't really mind the hot and the muggy
weahter except that I sweat so much. Regardless of what I am doing,
even just standing, I am soon dripping wet. When I came in from washing
the car I was toweling off my face and hair. Bob asked me if I was
going to take a shower. I told him I took one already this morning
before I left to go out. If I took a shower everytime I went outside
and came back in I would be taking six showers a day.
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