Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 14 June 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 20 June 2010 1:00 p.m.
Monday, 14 June
We had another late afternoon storm yesterday dropping another inch of rain.
This afternoon just as I was leaving for work another one was just
getting to the downtown area. Since they had not called for much of a
chance of rain this morning I did not carry my golf umbrella with me. I
keep a little one in my desk drawer in the event of a shower but the
way the wind was blowing it would turn that one inside out. By the
looks of the radar it would was going to be awhile before it passed on
through. I dashed as quickly as I could to the car but it didn't really
matter since I was getting soaked. It is one of a few times that has
happened since I started parking around the block. I have several of
those emergency ponchos. I am going to put one in my desk drawer for
the next time a summer storm blows up at quitting time.
Fortunately I had dry clothing in the car since I was going to the
Y. I toweled off, changed into my shorts and T-shirt in the car, and
took off. The rain was still coming down in sheets but by the time I
got to the Y on our side of town it had slowed to a drizzle. We got
another inch here.
I am reading another Susan Albert, China Bayles mystery, Wormwood.
China is visiting a Shaker Village in Kentucky on vacation where I am
certain she will be solving a murder.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Busy at work, busy at home. Tonight was Y night again.
We are watching Pushing Daisies which ran on ABC from 2007 to 2009.
Several of my favorite actresses star in the show; Kristin Chenoweth
and Swoosie Kurtz. I think the excutive producer is the same guy that
did Wonderfalls. As soon as we started watching the pilot episode you
could see the similarities between the two shows.
It is still hot and muggy. Only a few scattered storms yesterday and today but most of those missed us.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 18 June 2010
I mowed the lawn when I got home from work.
Even with all that rain we've had the ground is dry at the surface.
Scott's came this afternoon and put down lime. Since I mulch I could go
ahead and mow without disturbing the lime. At least it was a little
cooler today and less humidity with a really nice breeze. I walked
uptown at lunch to one fo the places I could sit outside and eat. I ate
and read my book for nice relaxing midday break.
We have been watching more of the Pushing Daisies and Jonathan Creek.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
No update.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
[Sunday] [Next
Happy Father's Day to my dad.
Yesterday morning Marcy picked Frances and I up here at the house for a
nice country drive to Mt. Airy, NC. about half an hour to our northwest
via a main highway. We spent a an hour or so going in and out of shops
and antique stores on main street before taking a lunch break at
Pandowdy's. It was warm but not overly hot. After lunch, when it had
turned hot, we went in the Main Oak Emporeum, located at one end of
town. They renovated a building taking up half of one block turning it
into three floors of nook and crannies of all types of merchandice. The
main floor is The Good Life Outfitters. I found a neat pair of Ahnu
sports sandals on sale for almost half price.
From there we drove back down the same country roads to Pilot Mt. where
we checked out an old general store and a couple of antique shops then
on to Winston where we ate dinner at River Birch Lodge. A wonderful,
fun day all around.
Today we are shooting pictures while building another PC. It is too hot
to be outside for very long. I did the house cleaning this morning and
watered the front gardens. Later this afternoon I will meet Frances and
the folks for dinner.
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