Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 21 June 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 27 June 2010 12:50 p.m.
Monday, 21 June
day of summer and its hot and muggy here. Bob and I are in full
production mode on the PC building. It may be hard for you to believe
but doing the hand holding shots is not an easy task. I often have my
hand, fingers, and arm all going in different directions to get the
shot Bob needs while trying to be still. About the time I get the pose
just like he needs it I am standing there with something sharp digging
into my finger that I must hold until he gets enough pictures.
Don't be misled, I love being part of the process.
Haircut after work then a quick stop at the grocery store. We are
watching the first episode of Lark Rise to Candleford, a period piece.
A nice change of pace from murder and mayhem.
I am reading a the first book in a new series by Carola Dunn of the
Daisy Dalrymple series. Her new series is set in Cornwall. The first
book is Manna From Hades which came out last year. I finally had Bob
order it for me because the library never did get it. I think the
second one has just released.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
The hot and muggy weather continues. We had
pop up storms all around Winston this afternoon and evening but not
visited our house. I went to the Y last night. Tonight Bob and I are
trying to shoot as many pictures as possible for him to have material
to work on for tomorrow. After dinner I gave Malcolm a quick out before
taking a few minutes to water the flower beds. The grass is starting to
look a little brown in patches. We have not had rain since Scott's put
down the lime. The Bermuda grass is growing but that's about it. I will
wait to mow until this weekend which, by then, I hope we have had some
rain. Perhaps it will also be a bit cooler.
Thursday, 24 June 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday 25 June 2010
It has been a long, tiring week. Bob and I
are both going at full speed ahead. I did make it to the Y last night
for a quick workout, then home, dinner, pictures, etc. etc. The weather
remains the same, hot, muggy, and dry. All week we have had rain/storms
around us but not a single one made it to our house.
Work is busy as well with several big projects going at one time again.
Tonight I picked Bob up after work to go to Zoe's for dinner.
I am reading another book in the Gaslight Mystery seried by Victoria
Thompson, Murder on Mulberry Bend. Now to relax and watch some more
Pushing Daisies. We watched three more episodes of Lark Rise to
Candleford last night.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Up early this morning. Bob helped me
dismantle the grill removing the gas tubes from the tank and switches.
I pulled out the rusted burner, bricks, and grates. With old burner in
hand and measurements for new grates I took off for Lowe's. They no
longer sell the type of burner from our grill but they sell a universal
one. Same problem with the grates. They do not make the small one that
goes over the burner at all or the cooking grate in out size. I left
Lowe's and drove to Home Depot, just around the corner, to check out
what they had. Same exact stuff. I bought the burner and grate and a
new weed sprayer.
Retrofitting new stuff into old hardly ever works. It is a plot by the
manufacturers of goods to make you just buy a whole new "whatever"
instead. The screws/bolts that came with the burner kit did not fit
into the holes designated that hold the burner extensions in place. We
dug out a jar of screws to find two that fit. Once Bob got the burner
feet and gas hoses attached we fitted it back onto the grill. Using a
wire brush I cleaned up the grate that holds the bricks as best I
could. After reinstalling it, I added new bricks, and the new cooking
grate. I was a bit narrower so it did not fit on the ledge but fit just
as well with the sides of the grill holding it in place. I cleaned up
and saved the old cooking grate just in case. One of the reasons for
replacing the old burnder was the lack of flame on one side of the
burner. After all that, Bob fired up the new one and we still have very
little flame on one side. The burner needed to be replaced but it did
not solve the original problem. I can still cook on it but at some
point perhaps Bob can see what the problem is with that one side.
An hour later we were ready to drive over to Frances' house to install
her new PC. Bob had to go since it required installing printers and
stuff. That took about an hour. Back home, I put away the rest of the
stuff from the grill project, housed out the yard cart, and did a few
other things. We were supposed to start shooting pictures on the next
system but, thankfully, Bob decided to take a break. By this point I
was hot, tired, and ready to call it a day which we did.
Grilling steaks and chicken tonight to try out the new/old grill to see how it works.
Sunday, 27 June 2010
[Sunday] [Next
It's almost one o'clock. The temperature is
91 feels like 95. I did the house cleaning this morning. Bob sorted and
cleaned up some of the PC stuff and boxes left for the remaining
builds. The rest of the day we will be shooting hand pictures and
building another PC. I was out long enough to spray the Euronymous
bushes for powdery mildew that forms with all this hot, humid, dry
weather. In summers past I did not notice it until it was almost too
late and nearly lost my bushes. This year, hopefully the early spraying
will prevent it from starting.
No way am I mowing the lawn in this heat. It's high enough in a few
large areas but can wait until next week when temperatures are supposed
to drop back down into the 80's. Even if we do not get any rain between
now and the middle of the week I will go ahead and mow. Since I plan on
catching it does not matter if it gets a little high. Of course with me
being home Malcolm thinks we should be outside working. I took him out
long enough for him to realize he did not want to be outside.
In between shooting pictures I can organize things at my desk and do some other inside chores
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