Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 16 August 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 22 August 2010 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 16 August
not so bad Monday, just routine stuff to keep me busy. It is still warm
and muggy. We had a few off and on showers yesterday afternoon. I read
and watched the PGA Championship all afternoon.
I went to the Y after work. It was a little more crowded then it has
been during the summer. The college kids may be back in town and
families are through traveling for the summer.
Today at lunch I finished the Victoria Thompson. Up next, the second book in the P.T. Deutermann series, Spider Mountain.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
It has been a lot less hectic at work this week. I always hate that
because just around the corner is mayhem waiting to break loose. Off to
Y again tonight. Between the time I left work and then the Y and when
we walked Malcolm after dinner; the humidity had dropped considerably.
We had an inch and half of rain last night with some thunder and
lightening but nothing serious. I notice serveral large limbs in the
yard this morning when I left for work. I collectedt those tonight when
I took the trash down while Bob rolled the yard cart to the front. The
small ones went in the cart, the bigs one in the curb to be collected
by the brush truck.
Speaking of garbage. Winston is finally going to mandantory roll to the
curb garbage collection. The roll out carts for garbage had been on a
volunteer basis. I knew it was only a matter of time before back yard
collection went away. I can't wait. I wanted to get a roll out long
time ago. The trash collectors leave the tops off the cans, the tops
blow off in storms, the cans get full of water, big stuff would not fit
in the cans, etc. etc.
We are watching another season of Dexter.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
I took the Asperge test Bob wrote about on his page today. I scored a 23.
We were supposed to have a friend over for dinner tomorrow night so I
planned to go ahead and do the library and grocery store tonight. Even
though she called this morning to cancel I went ahead with my plans.
This morning I dropped off one of the kitchen bench cushions at the
upholstery shop for an estimate to get them recovered. They are the
original cushions from our purchase of the This End Up kitchen table
and benches from the early 1990's. I've washed them once which of
course caused the fabric to shrink. They are bowed and stained
enough that I wanted to get them recovered. I left work at 4pm this
afternoon to go back a place that has well over 100 large bolts of
fabric for upholstery projects. I wish I gone there to get the
fabric for the sofa and love seat cushions I had redone a couple of
years ago. They have a much better selection then the place I went for
that fabric and seem to know what they are doing. Those fabrics have
not stood up the wear we put on them as much as I would have liked.
The sales lady steered me in the right direction based on what I was
looking for. I only needed 4 yards. I will drop of the other cushion
and fabric on the way to work in the morning.
I am tired of the hot, muggy weather we've had all summer. At least we are getting rain, which we usually do not see in August.
Friday 20 August 2010
Saturday, 21 August 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Bob and I both slept in this morning. I got
up 7:40 to let Malcolm out for a quick pee then went back to bed. Bob
got up before nine, I got up at 9:15.
Malcolm and I had yard work to do today. After trimming dead blossoms
off plants I cut the longer forsythia branches hanging out over the
drive and trimmed off the higher branches of the euronymous bushes.
Malcolm had come in while I mowed. The next project was to start on
reseeding the dead areas of the lawn from the drought. I will do a few
areas at time until I get them all reseeded. After raking up the dead
grass with the dirt rake I put down a layer of reseeding dirt then
threw out the seed and fertilizer and raked it all in then watered it
While Bob mixed up some more Roundup for the sprayer I swept the
driveway of leaves and sticks then sprayed the natural areas for
poinson ivey, Virginia creeper, and other assorted weeds.
Time to watch some golf and read. If you like police
procedural/thrillers I highly recommend P.T. Deutermann. In these first
two books I've read he constantly finds himself in one bad situation
after another. He has two trained German shephers that often come to
his rescue though sometimes a little too late. Deutermann adds a little
humor in his charater's dialog that has me laughing out loud.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
[Sunday] [Next
House cleaning this morning then off to the folks house for lunch and a visit.
I finished up the Deutermann last night. Not sure what I will pick up
next, library book or something from my TBR shelf. I will have to see
what I am in the mood to read.
I did the usual desk clearing and bill paying this afternoon. Next up,
two weeks worth of ironing to catch up on before I can hit the couch to
relax for a little while.
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