Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 23 August 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 29 August 2010 2:20 p.m.
Monday, 23 August
decided to start another book in my library reserve pile, the new Death
on Demand mystery by Carolyn Hart, Laughed 'Til He Died. I have stuck
with the series because I like Annie Darling and her mystery bookstore
set in Broward's Rock, SC. Sometimes I enjoy picking up something
While it is still warm there is just a hint of fall in the air. It
is to be in the mid 80's all week with humidity levels at least down in
the 50% range. The kids go back to school on Wednesday.
I went to the Y after work. I spent all day working on a very tedious
project I hope to finish up tomorrow. Now it's time to play some ball
with the Malc.
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
I worked through lunch yesterday so I could
go to my 2:30 bone denisity scan without having to take a lot of my PDO
time. When I went for my yearly physical a couple of weeks ago my
doctor recommended I have one. It only takes about 20 minutes and you
get your results when they are finished. Not surprising, my bones fell
in the normal range of being healhty. Between all the years of weight
training and exercise plus taking a calcium supplement I was not
really concerned about the outcome but one never knows. Osteoporosis
does not run in either my dad or my mom's side of the famly. I have
that good Dutch/German bone.
Last night I met Frances and Marcy for dinner last night at Oso's Eats.
Great menu and wonderful food. When I left work it had just started to
drizzle. Since I did not have my umbrella I walked as fast as possible
to try to beat the rain. I made it to the deck just as the bottom fell
out. It poured rain all the way across town with rivers running in the
gutters. It slacked up for a few moments but, just as I got to the
restaurant, the bottom fell out again. We got very little if any of
that rain on our side of town.
We are finally have some cool temperatures and low humidity. So far
this week at work I have had several all day, tedious projects that
require at lot of paying close attention to details. Just up my alley
but I need the physical workout to balance the mental strain.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 27 August 2010
No update.
Saturday, 28 August 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Hum, I thought I did a journal entry on
Thrusday night but I guess I didn't. Thursday and Friday were brain
drain hectic at work so I guess I was too tired Thursday night.
Last night we had a friend of ours over for pizza. Her and Bob worked
together for a private company when I met Bob. Bob left in 85. I am not
sure how long after that the company folded. We lost touch until I went
to work for the law firm and found she was working there as a paralegal
after leaving an accounting firm. Bob wanted to ask her some questions
regarding his LLC he wants to set up.
I did the house cleaning this morning then gave Malcolm his fall bath.
He is blowing his coat big time shedding in big clumps and scratching
from either the shedding and/or his fall allergies. I had been giving
him Benedryl which did not seem to be helping much. This morning I gave
him half a prednisone, Hopefully that and his bath will help. Once he
gets completely dry I'll brush him again. I have never been able to get
Duncan or Malcolm to let me dry them with a hair dryer. It is warm
today though not as humid, so I had him out a couple of times walking
around in the sunshine and warm air to help him dry.
I am reading another P. T. Deutermann, The Moonpool. Cam's private
investigator group loses a detective to radiation poisoning in
Wilmington, NC. I don't know about his non-series books, but
Deutermann's Cam Richter books has a high body count all of which have
a direct link to Cam in one way or another.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
[Sunday] [Next
The plan this morning was for me to play 9
holes of golf and have dad ride along. I picked up dad around 9. When
we got to the course it was closed because of the club championship
which was supposed to be last weekend. No, we don't call before we go
because Dad is a member of the associatio and they will always get us
off on either the front or the back without having to have a starting
Most all the smaller courses geographically near dad or even my house
are now closed. The larger courses usually require a starting time and
a foursome to play on weekends. So, we went with plan B, the driving
range near dad's house. I spent about an hour in the hot sun hitting a
bucket of balls while dad supervised. He tried to hit a few himself but
his golf days are pretty much over. When we do get back to the course
to play he can chip and putt on some of the holes.
I am not really a driving range type of golfer. No matter how good or
bad you hit shots on the range it has nothing to do with actually
hitting shots on the course. But, it was good to swing a club again. We
went back to the house to have some lunch then I came on home.
I set the mower deck down one more notch before I mowed. With the
mostly dry summer I decided to cut what's left of the lawn short so I
can reseed it; if and when we get a forecast for some rain. Short also
makes it easier to run the lawn vacuum. With no rain in sight for this
week yesterday I decided to bag my former yard plans for today and play
golf instead. It is warm but not too humid and really dry. I was
covered in dust and dirt when I finished mowing.
Reading time this afternoon and watching some golf.
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