Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 25 October 2010
Latest Update: Wednesday, 27 October 2010 6:20 p.m.
Monday, 25 October
took off this morning to take Malcolm to the vet while I headed over to
the transmission place. Bob had to drive all the way back into Winston
then over to pick me up. I brought him on then went on to work.
I met Marcy at one of the new Italian restuarants downtown. It was
raining pretty hard when I left the building but had stopped by the
time we finished eating. We had a total of 1/2.
I left work at 4:15 to drive out to the vet to pick up Malcolm,
brought him home, picked up Bob, and drove over to get my truck. They
could not find any thing wrong with the transmission but suggested we
get the wire set replaced sooner rather than later. I called Jonathan
at Merchants to have him order the set. I am leaving this Thursday for
the beach with my folks. The truck is fine to drive down there and the
wire set will be here to put on when I get back.
It seems like all Bob and I have done the past two months is run f to and from the car repair places and vets.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
We had a wild weather night last night. The
first storm came through around 12:15. Malcolm was pretty calm until it
got right on us, then he jumped up on the bed on top of me as usual.
Once it was past us he jumped back down and we tried to go to sleep.
The second one hit about an hour later. One big pop and the power went
out. I have a battery back up on my clock radio but I don't trust it.
Since I had an 8am dentist appointment this morning I could not run the
risk of over sleeping.
I still have Lenore's battery Big Ben clock sitting on my office shelf.
Using flashlights we put in a fresh battery and set it for 6:30am just
in case the alarm went off 15 minutes late. Malcolm was terrified
during the second storm. He panted and clawed at me, laid on top of my
head, etc. By the time the storm had passed, around 2:30 I felt like I
had been wrestling a bear. Not sure why but when the power came on at
5:30 I woke up. I had just fallen back to sleep when the battery clock
alarm went off at 6:30. We had an inch of rain yesterday morning, the
half inch on Monday, and four inches last night. At times I thought the
rain was going to come right through the roof or the windows it was
coming down so hard.
Of course this morning when I read the papers we learned we had been
under tornado watch and that one had been sited on the ground in nearby
Lewisville. Just after lunch the fun began again. Another line of
storms started forming bringing tornado warnings. I called to make sure
he knew there was a severe storm headed straight for our house. He went
to the basement. We kept a watchful eye on the ski from the 10th floor,
ready to head to the stairwell if necessary.
Another three inches of rain today puts us at 8 1/2 for the three days.
There is a chance we may get some more active weather and/or rain
tonight before this all moves out of here.
I am leaving in the morning to drive down to my uncle's beach house at
Figure Eight Island with my folks. We will be stopping in Greensboro to
pick up one of my aunts. My uncle and his wife plus the other three
sisters will be there by the time we get there in the late afternoon.
I'll be back on Monday. Keep an eye on Bob for me.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
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Friday 29 October 2010
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Sunday, 31 October 2010
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