Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 20 December 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 26 December 2010 3:40 p.m.
Monday, 20 December
cold wave continues. This morning with the wind chill it was again down
into the teens. I think it's supposed to warm up some by the middle of
the week. I just walked Malcolm after dinner and it's already down into
the low 30's. The full lunar eclipse starts sometime after midnight
depending on where you live in the United States. A, it's too cold to
be out watching and B, I am too old to stay up all night and then try
to work the rest of the day. Perhaps next year.
Speaking of work. I pretty much picked up where I left off last
week. When I left at 4pm this afternoon for my chiropractor appointment
my desk was once again piled with work to be completed. There is about
1000 pages of documents to be bates labeled among other assorted tasks
for me jump into first thing in the morning.
I finished up my appointment at 5pm then went on to the Y for my usual workout.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Dinner last night with Marcy and Frances at
Old Staley's Bar and Grill. Today I had my 4:30 appointment then on to
the Y. It actually warmed up today in the mid 50's but by the time I
left work the wind had picked up again. Tonight is be cold again, back
down into the 20's with 20 mph winds.
Most everyone has cleared out at work for the Christmas holidays. I am
working through tomorrow, we are closed Friday. With most everyone gone
I am getting caught up on my backlog and I am still slogging away on
the bates labeling project. If you don't know what that is, I am
sticking an alphanumeric number on the bottom of documents. In this
case I am also having to add an additional confidential sticker. That
means of the 2000 documents I have done so far, I have actually put on
4000 labels. I can do roughly 20 labels in 2 minutes. When I left today
I had labeled approximately 1/3 of the documents. I will not get
finished before the holidays which is not a problem.
Yep, it's boring and tedious, you cannot skip a page or a number but
somebody has to do it. Believe it or not, that is usually the
paralegals job but I often get handed these proejcts when the paralegal
is either busy or, in this case, out for the holidays.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
Today is my last day of work until January 3,
2011. I will be on vacation all next week. We are allowed to carry over
up to five whole days to next year. I have three days over the five I
am taking next week. The Firm used to pay out for anything over and up
to five days but instead let us carry them over. I usually do not have
this many days left at the end of the year. With our fall trip getting
cancelled I decided to try and save up enough to at least be off the
week between Christmas and New Year. I was keeping the three extra in
reserve just is in case.
Cold and windy again today. I can't remember a December as cold and
windy as this one has been. We had these conditions for most of the
month. Not sure if this is what winter will be like or if we will be
wearing shorts in January?
Friday 24 December 2010
We started the deep clean with Bob's office
this morning along with the work room. Rather than a cleaning jop it's
more like an archeological dig. Where we moved stuff I was able to
vacuum but I am still not finished cleaning in there. We moved a lot of
the stuff in the work room to the downstairs. The problem with cleaning
up Bob's office and work room is we move it other areas of the house
that are now also trashed. In between working on his stuff I organized
my desk and moved the wrapping stuff back downstairs.
Bob did some repair on my computer. Firefox was having some closing issues.
Cold but clear today. The weather gods have backed on the big snow
storm for tomorrow changing the prediction to snow showers. That may be
true or we could get a major storm. I'll be spending the day with the
folks, Frances and Al.
Hope you have a great Christmas Day where ever you are.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Merry Christmas
Sunday, 26 December 2010
[Sunday] [Next
I hope your day was as wonderful as mine was.
Another great Christmas Day spent with the folks, Frances, and Al. Snow
started falling about 11:30. We spent the day opening presents and
watching the snow fall. It took awhile for it to cover the grass and
trees but by late afternoon things were looking very much like a white
Christmas, the first one here in a long time. I packed up my stuff to
head at 5:30. The streets were mostly slushy with some snow covering
including in the neighborhood. Al and Frances took mom and dad home.
When we walked Malcolm around 7 the street were covered with several
inches on the grass. It was still snowing at 10 for last time out. Not
much more fell during the night.
I spent today deep cleaning our bathroom and bedroom. Moving furniture,
scrubbing down walls, and mopping floors. I took a break midday to
shovel the snow from walkway.
While I was cleaning Bob was washing shower curtains, table toppers,
and towels; our set from this week plus the two new sets Frances and Al
gave us for Christmas.
I am reading another Victoria Thompson, Murder on Waverly Place. We are
almost finished reading this series. This is the next to most recent
book she has published.
Cold and windy tonight, 20 degrees with wind. I already have large
branches down from the pine in the back plus a few from the other
trees. With the winds tonight and tomorrow I am sure I'll have more.
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