Fritchman Thompson Diary
of -4 January 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 2 January 2011 3:00 p.m.
Monday, -4 January
What a great start to my week of vacation. Not having to get to work on
black ice this morning. More house cleaning. Later this afternoon I
have my chiropractor appointment. By then the roads should be mostly
clear except here in the neighborhood.
Pictures from the Christmas Day snow event. My sunflower rain gauge covered in snow.
Looking down our street.
Bob going walkabout. Not really. He had to pick up one of our neighbor's newspapers.
This year's Christmas decorations. While do love sharing I also post
this for me for next year. If you look close enough at the village you
will see the new addition of a row of blakc street lamps.
The backyard.
Me shoveling snow in my t-shirt. Bob thinks I am part penguin. Why put on a coat when I would just get hot working?
Tuesday, -3 January 2011
I took a break from cleaning today to help
dad with a couple errands he needed me to assist him with. It took most
of the day but we accomplished what we set out to do. Last week and
yesterday when driving around town my check transmission light started
coming on at various times while driving. Sometimes when I was stopped
at and light and resumed speed, others while driving. If I turned the
car off, the light would go off. Sometimes I lost power, other times
not. Restarting the car resumed power as well.
I called when I left dad's to let Bob know I was heading for the
transmission place to be prepared to come pick me up. Since it was
going on 4 I knew it would have to leave it for them to take a look at
tomorrow and see what's going on.
It warmed up pretty nicely today, back into the 40's without the wind.
The main roads are clear but some of the side streets are still covered
in places. There is still a lot of snow lying on the ground.
Wednesday, -2 January 2011
Today I worked on taking down the Christmas
decorations. The tree decorations are boxed and downstairs. The table
top stuff and my village still need to be boxed. I had to stop around
2pm to get cleaned up for my chiropractor appoinement.
Things are warming up. Today, mid 40's though we had that 10mph wind. Cloudy and cool tonight.
Thursday, -1 January 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
This morning I boxed up all the Christmas
decorations except the kitchen towels, table top cloths, and kitchen
table decorations. They are all piled on the dinning room table waiting
to be folded and boxed.
Bob helped me haul the tree to the street then I started on the den.
With short breaks off and on it me six hours. I moved the furniture,
lemon oiled tables and sofas, and pretty much vacuumed and dusted
everything not nailed down including the walls and ceiling.
Have not heard from the transmission place about my car, must not be good news.
Friday 0 January 2011
Our friends Marcia and Brian Bilbrey just lost Molly. She was real sweetheart. After being abused in her early life she found a wonderful family.
I had to make a Wal-Mart run this morning for my usual combined food
and other shopping. It was not very busy when I arrived at 9am but by
the time I left it was getting crowded.
More house cleaning today. I'll start on the living and dinning rooms. I'm gaining on it.
I am starting a new David Handler mystery, The Shimmering Blond Sister.
Saturday, 1 January 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Last night we watched a Grey's Anatomy
marathon going through two disks (eight episodes) to finish up season
five. Since we usually get woken up by fireworks and Malcolm barking we
decided to stay up watching the shows which ran us until almost
midnight. We took Malcolm out about 11 but we were still to late. He
heard one pop and off he headed to the house with his tail between his
legs. As it turns out there was very little in the way of celebration.
Bob said he heard one after I fell asleep and Malcolm ignored that one.
This morning I cleaned the dinning room then took a break to watch the
Rose Bowl parade. Awesome in HD, wide screen. This afternoon I started
working on my office but will have to finish it tomorrow.
We woke up this morning to heavy fog. The rest of the day has been light fog, dampness, and drizzle.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
[Sunday] [Next
I almost made it. After using up an entire
bottle of 409, most of a can of pledge, and half a bottle of windex, my
year end cleaning bonanza was a rousing success. I did not quite get
all the rooms deep cleaned but five rooms, one hall, and one foyer was
quit an accomplishment. This morning while finishing up in my office I
let the oven clean it itself. My intention was to do the kitchen last,
this afternoon, but I have run out of cleaning energy. I had also
intended to mop all the floors but that will have to wait until next
weekend when I do the kitchen. With today being wet, soggy, and muddy,
there is no sense in mopping anyway.
Back to work tomorrow. I can't wait. While I have enjoyed my week off I
am ready to get back to the work I love. Had I not taken Tuesday off
and half a day Friday from cleaning I would have most likely finished
the kitchen and the work room; the only two rooms left up stairs. Bob's
office is still a work in progress. The basement, both sides, is a
major disaster area. We are stock piling a Goodwill load for them to
pickup plus I have a truck load of cardboard to haul off. I still have
decorations to put away in the closet and Bob needs to do something
about his half of the finished area so I can get down there to clean.
Once the stuff is removed from the basement I can clean that side as
Well, it's the new year and time for people to get "religion" either in
the gym or a church. I can't speak for a church, but the gym will be
packed with people resolved to take off those few extra pounds.
Fortunately, for those of us who use those facilities all year long,
the "religion" only lasts about six weeks. Then, the crowds thin back
out leaving the rest of us to get on with it.
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