Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 17 January 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 23 January 2011 6:50 p.m.
Monday, 17 January
used our Firm holiday to run errands which I planned around two
appointments. I had a haircut at 11:30 and chiropractor at 1pm with
shopping stops planned around the appointments. It was almost three by
the time I got back home. All in all I had a pretty successful shopping
trip. One of my stops was at Penny's to order new drapes for the den.
Drapes are hard to find these days because the new style is curtains.
Our den window is not conducive to switching over. The last time I
bought drapes for the den, back in the early to mid 90's you could walk
in the store and buy them packaged by various width's and lenth's. Now
they have to be ordered but I was pleased to learn the same style drape
I currently have is still availble. It's a good look for the room and
very sturdy. After 15 years they just needed replaced.
One of the attorney's at the Firm gave me a gift card from Target. I
used that to pick up new pillows for the sofa, a new blanket for our
bed, and another wooden stool for Bob to use in his new kit packaging
It's cloudy, windy, and cool today. Rain is coming in tonight, and
thankfully, the temperatures should stay warm enough for it to be rain,
not ice.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Back to work this morning. We had a few slick
spots in the neighborhood with temperatures dropping down below
freezing last night. Counties to our west had sleet last night and
cancelled school again. One county in our area has not gone back to
school since Christmas break.
I spent most of the day pulling files for a project for a paralegal in
our group that I help out as needed. My immediate staff I support did
not need me for anything other than routine stuff freeing me up to help
out with the project. I have roughly an hour left of work in the
morning to finish up.
It was a cool, raw, cloudy day. Bonnie picked me up out front to go to
restaurant for lunch that is a little too far to walk. Turns out it was
a good day for this venture since it was such a nasty day to walk to
our usual favorite places.
Y after work. It was rather crowded tonight. I was telling Bob the
place is as full of high school kids as adults. There is a high school
(grades 9 -12) about a mile for the Y. It's good to see kids that age
being active. When I was in high school I spent my afternoons
practicing/playing whatever sport was in season from fall to spring or
playing golf.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Thursday, 20 January 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
I am reading a new author, Sally Spencer. She
has several series. The one Bob and I are reading is her Monika
Paniatowski series set in a small village in England. Dead Hand In
History is the first book in a followup series to her Charlie Woodend
series which she ended in 2008. Monika has taken over for Charlie in
this same village. We have not read the Woodend series but perhaps will
at some point. The library system does not have the first seven books
in the series. She also has another series written under the pen name
Alan Rustage, Sam Blackstone, a police inspector in Victorian England
and the Empire, that the library only has one of.
At some point I guess we can investigate getting her other books.
Off to the Y tonight. We've been watching Brotherhood, Walking the Dead, and more of the WWII series The Pacific.
Friday 21 January 2011
Saturday, 22 January 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Last night I picked Bob up after work for
dinner at Zoe's. He needed to stop in at Radio Shack, which is next
door, to pick up some stuff for his kits. This morning I drove over to
Merchant's to get the oil changed in the white truck but they were
swamped with people taking advantage of a weekend tire sale. I'll take
it over another time. I ran the rest of the my errands; drug, grocery,
and pet store on the way back home.
It's a sunny but chilly day but I decided to go ahead and haul the big
pine limbs to the curb that came down a couple of weeks ago. Although
the temperatures where in the high 20's with a wind chill I was quit
comfortable in my ball cap and lightweight fleece yard jacket. After I
pulled the five huge ones to the curb I picked up the smaller limbs and
tossed those in the wheel barrow. I also had that big one that
fell from the front tree to go to the curb. At the curb I used the hand
saw to cut them up into five to six foot lengths for better stacking. I
swept up all leaves that had blown along the driveway and the
neighbor's forsythia hedge and put them in the yard cart. Of course
Malcolm was a big help running around pulling at the limbs and barking
a lot.
After lunch I unpackaged my new drapes for the den. Bob took them down
to the dryer to give them a quick tumble to get out the wrinkles. Once
I got them pinned, Bob helped me to hang them.
Now, clear my desk, pay some bills, and call it day.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
[Sunday] [Next
Frances called at 8am this morning on her way
to the house. Dad was having problems breathing. I told her call me
back when she got to the house. The EMS took him on to the hospital. I
jumped into some clothes and headed out.
He has congestive heart failure but at this point we don't know what is
causing the fluid backup. We were in the emergency room until close to
noon before they admitted him to a room. I sent mom and Frances home to
get supplies for dad, etc while I went up to the room.
When I called Bob to give him an update he had cleaned the bathrooms and was doing the vacuuming. What a great husband I have.
Mom and Frances got back around 3:00. I left at 4:15 for a pre-arranged
dinner with Marcy at five. Frances and mom will most likely stay until
after sometime early this evening. I brought Bob takeout from where
Marcy and I ate.
They will run tests, etc. tomorrw to hopefully get this mess under control.
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