Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 10 January 2011
Latest Update: Sunday , 16 January 2011 12:10 p.m.
Monday, 10 January
had a winter storm watch in the area starting late last night and into
tomorrow. It was hit or miss this morning with areas to our south and
west getting hit early this morning. They cancelled school yesteraday
because of the forecast but there was nothing on the roads/falling when
I left for work. Folks drifted in to work off and on all morning
depending on where they lived. Some of the early snow melted. The bands
of precipitation were wide spread and sporadic most of the day rather
than one solid mass of moisture.
I had a 4:30 chiropractor appointment. Bob called me late this
afternoon to let me know they called to see if I was coming and if I
was, they would be there. At that point the roads were still just wet
even though a light intermitten snow started falling just after lunch.
My plans were to go to my appointment then on to the Y as long as
things stayed the same.
The roads were still just wet when I left at 4. When I came out of the
doctor's office the roads had turned white. Obviously I bypassed the Y
and came straight home. We just walked Malcolm for first time after
dinner. The roads and sidewalk are white but where we walked melted
back down to the pavement. The grass has white but is not covered. If
we lucky it will stay snow instead of turning to the predicted freezing
rain/sleet. With a low of 24 who knows.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
We had about two inches of snow by this
morning but, thankfully, not the heavy icing they predicted. I left for
work at my usual time this morning. The neighborhood roads were pretty
much covered in packed down snow. Once I made it out to Reynolda Road
it was just wet. Further on down the roads were snow covered or slushy
all the way to the parking deck. Not very much traffic at all so I'm
guessing a lot of people stayed home.
On our floor myself and one attorney are the only ones that showed in
our practice group out of roughly 20 people. The other part of the
floor, which houses two other practice groups, had better a much better
showing. We had perhaps 1/3 of the floor show up. I spent the day
catching up on filing and some low priority projects. I left at 3 to
get to the Y and finish my workout before it got dark. There was a
halfway decent crowd on the cardio machines. All the aerobic classes
were cancelled. The roads were just wet until I was back in the
neighborhood again. Our street looks pretty much the way it did when
Ieft this morning.
Last night we finished the final season of Grey's Anatomy catching up
to the current season. Bob hates the show but I still enjoy it though
the final episode last night was a little over the top in drama, but,
that's television. We tried a second episode of Friday Night Lights but
decided to bag that one. It was okay just not something that we liked
enough to continue watching. Tonight we are trying Brotherhood about
two Irish brothers, one a gangster the other a politician.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
No update.
Thursday, 13 January 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
The main roads were are pretty much dry and
free of ice. We've had sunshine for two days but the temperatures are
still staying in the low 30's for highs. Yesterday and today it was
windy bringing the wind chill down into the mid 20's. Our neighborhood
streets are almost clear of snow though one of the side streets I use
is still a solid sheet of snow/ice.
I went to the Y after work. It was fairly crowded but I had no problems getting on the machines.
Goodwill came today to pick up our stuff. Bob said they brought a big
truck which they could not get down our driveway. Bob did not want them
to risk falling on the icy areas of our driveway so we told them they
could reschedule for another time after the weather clears up.
Friday 14 January 2011
No update.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I gave Bob a haircut this morning then
started on the weekly cleaning chores with various interuptions. I
discovered a leak in the hoses to the washer. Last week I saw a lot of
the water on the floor when I left for work one morning. I thought it
was melt off from the ice and snow on the car. Thursday there was still
a lot of water on the floor on one side of the car and over toward the
washer. No way was that still run off. Bob came downstairs for a look
and determined it was most likely one hose washers.
We delt with that, which meant moving more stuff around to get to the
area. The basement is now pretty much trashed with stuff stacked
everywhere. Bob replaced the hoses but they were still leaking this
I've cleaned off the pile off junk on my desk and am working on setting
up my new spreadsheets for 2011 for the check book and medical
expenses, etc.
I am reading the fourth and final book in Twilight Vampire Series
Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. I 've had it for awhile on loan from
a friend at work. I pick up things from my TBR pile bases on what I
feel like reading at the time. I do the same thing when I reserve
series books from the library. If I am working on a series I don't
reserve the next ones until I am ready to read more of the series. Once
I or we, if Bob is also reading them, complete a series then I reserve
the new ones as they come out as well as any other authors I am
reading. I keep up with new stuff from a couple different lists as a
heads up to what's coming out.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
[Sunday] [Next
We went out Home Depot this morning to pick
up washer hoses and some stuff Bob needs for his kits. Bob ran the
towel load and, of course, no leak as of now. When I leave to run
errands in the morning I'll see if the floor is still dry.
Warm and partly cloudy today. 48 is balmy compared to the last few
weeks. There is still snow on the yard and a small patch of ice on the
part of the driveway that stays in the shade. I'm doing odd jobs and
projects around the house today.
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