Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 31 January 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 6 February 2011 12:20 p.m.
Monday, 31 January
cooler today than yesterday. It never did rain but cloudy and windy all
day. I went to the Y after my chiropractor appointment. I was mentally
exhausted from the stuff I had to work on today so the physcial workout
was a nice balance.
Left over home made stir fry and Costco egg rolls for dinner. Bob
found some really good ones in the freezer section. They only take 20
minutes in the oven, and to me, are as good or better than some we get
in the restaurants. We also use Costco stir fry frozen veggies. Bob
makes the rice in the morning. Sometimes I thaw out frozen shrimp to
add and other times I just do the rice and veggies.
Last night I grilled boneless pork ribs and made pasta salad. We'll have those leftover tomorrow night.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
I had a vet appointment for Malcolm for this
afternoon at 4:30. The vet called yesterday after I had left for the
day to let me know they needed to reschedule because Dr. Sue was not
going to be there in the afternoon.
Any way, we went this morning instead to have his rear leg looked at.
For a long time he's had a hard, dime sized place just below his "ankle
bone". Last week he started chewing on it. I kept it wrapped in vet
wrap from Tuesday on until we could get to see Sue. Turns out it is a
very large callous caused by the contact with the hardwood floor. He
lies mostly on that side and plops down on that side. Sue said to keep
it wrapped until it heals back up then try leaving it unwrapped to see
if he will leave it alone.
We also discussed his incontinence problem which is better but not
completely gone. She upped the dosage of that medicine. And, all this
time I was thinking the red spot on his front leg was an alergy is
actually where is his licking the leg from the arthritis bothering that
joint. She did a test bending the left leg and then the right. He was
fine with the right but uncomfortable on the left. We can't give him
Rimadyl because of his liver problems. Sue also upped his Tramadol to
help with the pain. When we first got it he was on two in the morning
and two at night. That dosage was keeping so drugged up I dropped him
back to one and one. Now we are going to try one and two. I guess at
this point I would rather he be slightly drowsy all the time as to
being in pain.
By the time I got him back home it was 10:45 by the time I got to work.
I stayed until 5:15 to finish a project and make up some of my time.
Today I managed to plow through about half my backlog.
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
I went to work at 8:30 and left at 10 to pick
up mom and dad to take dad to his family doctor for a follow-up
appointment. By the time we finished up there, stopped for a bite to
eat, and took them home it was 2pm when I got back to work. Not a
problem. I told my supervising attorney that with dad not being able to
drive for awhile I would be in and out, late, and leaving early for
awhile. He was very understanding as I knew he would be.
It turned warm and sunny yesterday once the morning clouds and
fog was blown away by the wind. I went to the Y after work. We are
watching the final four episodes of Brotherhood.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
I am almost caught up with things at work
that I fell behind in after being out those couple of days with dad. It
was much cooler today than yesterday. I stopped at the library to pick
up reserve books and then the grocery store. It is supposed to be warm
enough tomorrow to be just rain here but the counties north of us could
get ice/freezing rain. Hopefully it will stay warm enough up there for
it to be rain as well.
I am reading a new Lucy Stone mystery by Leslie Meier, Wicked Witch Murder. This series is light but fun to read.
Friday 4 February 2011
No update.
Saturday, 5 February 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
It is a cloudy, damp, windy day. We had about
half an inch of rain yesterday and last night. Yesterday afternoon when
I picked mom up to take her to the beauty shop it was raining pretty
hard. I went from there to my chiropractor appointment. We watched a
movie last night on ROKU, I Capture The Castle. It was chick flick, but
Bob got it for me. He hates to watch movies in general and chick
flick's even more. After that we watched some more House.
I've spent the day cleaning out my office closet and the junk
accumulated on the floor. It looks much better. I just can't stand a
lot of clutter. Read and watching the golf tournament this afternoon.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
[Sunday] [Next
House cleaning this morning then outside with
Malcolm for some fresh air and sunshine. It's a very nice day; sunny,
high 40's, very little wind. I picked up sticks and swept up leaves and
debris off the driveway and gutter. The city always leaves a big mess
when they pick up limbs. I had to vacuum out the back seat of the
Trooper and clean the slime from the window after taking Malcolm to the
vet last week.
I am reading the latest Karen MacInerney mystery, Berried to the Hilt set on Cranberry Island off the coast of Maine.
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