Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 14 March 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 20 March 2011 2:30 p.m.
Monday, 14 March
I am reading a new author from my TBR shelf, Evelyn David.
Murder Off the Books is her first novel and introduction of her series
A Sullivan Investigations Mystery Murder with a Whiskey Chaser. Whiskey
is a very large Irish Wolfhound. Sullivan is Mackenzie Sullivan, a
recently retired cop from DC who opens his own PI firm on a very low
budget. His best friend happens to be the owner of a funeral home who
accepts payment of services in the form of taking possesion of old
cars, remains of small businesses, etc. David has a very dry sense of
humor that sneaks up on you with character dialog and/or thoughts.
Whiskey rides shotgun a lot on his stakeouts adding her two cents worth
to the plot and dialog through Mac. The book is light and funny. It's
pretty good for a first novel. She has a second book out in the series
and third one coming out under a new publisher. In October of last year
she launced a e-book series which is now up to four volumns. She also
has published a short e-story featuring characters from the Sullivan
mystery series,
At some point I guess I will ask Bob to get me a Kindle.
Off to the Y after work. I was not too busy a day for a Monday though things did get a little hectic late this afternoon.
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
I had a 2pm appointment with my orthopedic
doctor. My right knee started acting up again a month or so ago. I like
to wait as long as possible before I get a shot. It will be year next
week since my last one. And, with dad off his feet I needed wait until
things settle back down to a normal routine. I also had him give me a
shot in my right thumb joint. My last shot for the tendinitis was five
years ago.
I love my doctor. He wears a knee brace like mine. I asked him how his
was doing and told him how people keep asking me why I don't have the
replacement surgery. He just laughed and told me to tell them when
Ritchie gets his done I will...in about five years. My sentiments
It was supposed to rain last night and today. Other than a brief shower it has just been cool, windy, and overcast instead.
We finished watching all of the In Plain Site episodes until they release the new ones.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Thursday, 17 March 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Yep, I am part Irish, on my mom's side.
Last night I had intended to go to the Y after work. I like to leave at
4:45 when I can to give me 20 minutes to get there, changed, and on the
excercise bike by twenty after or so. Leaving at 5 runs things even
later because by then traffice makes it more like 25 minutes in route.
Last night it was well after five by the time I left the building and
walked to my car. It would have been more like 5:45 by the time I hit
the bike so I just bagged the whole thing.
Tonight, Bob and I already had plans to eat at Zoe's. It's like spring
today with highs well up into the low 60's and 80's tomorrow. Way to
early for this warm weather. We were all suffering from a bad case of
spring fever at work today.
Friday 18 March 2011
Saturday, 19 March 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
We had a record high yesterday topping out at
87 degree's. Today is not as warm, mid 70's and breezy. Malcolm and I
had several yard projects to do this morning. Several areas of the lawn
look horrible from the drought last year excluding the dormant Bermuda
grass. I used the shovel to dig loosen the dead stuff. Instead of
buying bagged top soil at Lowe's I dug up soil from under the tree
where I dump my mulched leaves. It sort of large natural area compost
pile. After I spread the dirt I used a new product called Scott's EZ
Seed. One bag was enough to do most of the areas I wanted to restore.
As a test, next weekend I am going to do the other areas, but instead
of using the Scott's I will use 10-10-10 and grass seed to see which
has the better results.
I dug up and/or sprayed weeds and did a few other little projects. Bob helped me put a new blade on the edger.
I am reading the third and latest Alan Bradley, Flavia de Luce mystery,
A Red Herring Without Mustard. Bradley has made a big name for himself
very quickly with the success of the first book in the series.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
[Sunday] [Next
Yesterday afternoon while I was watching
basketball and golf I tried out the Scrabble app on Bob's Kindle. I
loved it. I told Bob that for now we can share the Kindle. If he wants
to read a book on it I can be reading a hard copy of something and vice
versa. The same for playing Scrabble. One of the concerns I had about
reading a book is taking the Kindle to work. A lot of my reading time
during the week is at lunch and bedtime. Although I am very athletic I
am also very clumsy. I did not want to risk hauling the Kindle "naked"
in my totebag I use to carry my books and lunch. Bob does not want to
get an expensive Kindle case though I understand Best Buy has media
cases you can find to fit Kindles, Nooks, etc.
Instead, I came up with a pretty good solution. I have several small
zippered travel bags for carrying just a wallet, credit cards, cell
phones, etc. I have one I bought on our Canadian Rockies trip in
Yellowstone to replace the one I was carrying at the time when the
strap broke. It is just the right size with a lot of padding and a
carry strap. I can slip it over my shoulder for easy carrying since I
am usually doing a balancing act with my book under my arm, my drink in
one hand, and my lunch in the other when I go back to the little file
room where I eat my lunch.
I cleaned house this morning then went over for lunch and a visit with
the folks. It's a cool and cloudy day. Of course, since I put out seed
yesterday the rain they called for today has been cancelled.
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