Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 7 March 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 13 March 2011 3:30 p.m.
Monday, 7 March
had a grand total of 2 inches of rain Saturday night through late
yesterday afternoon. Most of that fell yesterday morning between 8 and
noon when it poured. I think we had enough early slow gentle rain to
wash in the fertilizer before the deluges came through. Lots of
flooding in some places.
We went to Costco late yesterday afternoon then on to the Mexican restaurant for dinner.
I am reading the latest Tea Shop mystery by Laura Childs, Scones and
Bones. I was sad to see in her dedication that her family dog, of whom
she used as a model for Earl Grey in the book had died.
Off to the Y from work. Bob had dinner ready when I got home. Now, time to go play some ball with my dog.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Happy 65th wedding anniversary to my folks. I
just spoke with dad, they are both doing fine. I went to the Y after
work. We will celebrate later this week when we can all be in the same
place at the same time.
More rain tonight. It was drizzling a little on the way to work this
morning but the heaviest rain waited until late this afternoon to come
in. It's sort of damp and chilly rather than warm with this front which
is good. Hopefully it will keep the major storms and tornados away.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
Happy Birthday to my sister Frances.
Another wet, nasty day. We ended up with a total of 2.5 inches. The
front finally pushed on through late this afternoon while I was driving
out to Wal-Mart after work. You could actually see where the blanket of
dark clouds ended and clear sky started. I had a couple of non-grocery
store items I needed to pick up plus the usual weekly milk and juice
plus a some stuff for Bob. Since we are going out tomorrow night for
the birthday/anniversary celebration I went tonight. It was not too
crowded for a change due to the bad weather and today being the first
round of basketball games for the ACC Championship.
Bob ordered the first episodes of a show called Gossip Girl from
Netflix which we watched last night. I was surprised how good it was
given that it was a teen type movie. It reminded us a lot of Everwood
but set in New York upper East Side where all the rich folks live.
Friday 11 March 2011
Saturday, 12 March 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Fun time at Macaroni Grill for our
celebration dinner last night. I got home in time to watch the second
half of the Duke basketball game then we watched some more In Plain
This morning I gave Bob a haircut, brushed Malcolm, and did the house
cleaning chores. This afternoon I am reading and watching the
semi-final round of the ACC tournament. Carolina just beat Clemson in
overtime. Duke plays Virginia Tech in the next game.
It has warmed up nicely outside into the mid 60's but it's very windy.
I decided to wait until tomorrow to pick up sticks since more will
blown down this afternoon.
Bob wanted me to read the first few chapters of book he downloaded on
his Kindle by an author who has a series similar to the Twightlight
Series I just finished by Stephanie Meyer. I read the first six
chapters or so while I was watching the game. I like reading on the
Kindle. At some point I will ask Bob to get me one most likely when I
want to read something I cannot get in print or an author I want to try.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
[Sunday] [Next
I caught up my ironing this morning then
Malcolm and I went outside to do some yard work. We picked up sticks
and pulled weeds. After getting that out of the way I put him in the
house. I set the mower deck down low enough to get the high areas of
the lawn and pick up sticks and leaves. The front was pretty high in
spots the back not as much.
Duke and Carolina play for the ACC championship at 1pm; golf at three
and reading for the remainder of the afternoon except for grilling out
a steak for Bob and some chicken for me.
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