Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 23 May 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 29 May 2011 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 23 May
Yesterday afternoon we went to a DASH baseball game our A farm team for
the Chicago White Sox. My Firm has a suite at the park with seating for
up to 16. I asked Bob if he would go along to meet some of the folks I
work with. I watched the game from the seats outside the suite but
encouraged Bob to sit in the AC, relax, and read his Kindle without
having to jump up every ten minutes to check on Colin. Our tickets
included an all you can eat buffet, soft drinks, desert, popcorn, and
peanuts. He seems to have survived the ordeal.
After an 8-1 lead that lasted through the first four innings the
Salem Red Sox scored runs in the laters innings but thankfully lost
8-7. We left at the top of the ninth with DASH having an 8-5 lead. We
decided four hours was long enough to leave Colin home alone in the
foyer hopefully not eating his way through the wooden baby gates. He
was a good dog having not chewed anything nor did he have an accident.
With thunderstorms in the forecast for every night this week I mowed
the lawn when we got home. Around 10pm last night we had a pretty
good one to come through bringing an inch of much needed rain. We are
under severe thunderstorm watch again tonight until 11pm.
I am reading a new Mary Daheim, The Alpine Vengeance, from her Emma Lord Mystery series.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
We are under tornado watch until 10pm. There
were some nasty looking clouds north of Winston when I left work on the
way to the Y. That storm did produce some funnel clouds earlier this
afternoon but it was sunny and clear here. Now, there is a line of
storms heading in our direction.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
Dinner out last night with Marcy. I brought Bob back some dinner.
Today I worked on shifting files. I have run out of room on one side of
the shelves. It's not all that busy right now with big projects so it
was a good time to get it done. I went to the Y after work then came
home and mowed. This morning I was not sure if the predicted
thunderstorms would get here early or late. While at the Y watching the
news I could see the rain was still way off to the west so I cut my
workout short about fifteen minutes to give me time to mow before it
got too late.
My new license plate came today. Bob put it on while I started in the yard.
Bob got us the original pilot and three episodes of Northern Exposure
on NetFlix. We started watching the show after those aired. It was
almost eight when I got home last night so we just watched the pilot
before I headed off to bed to read.
Colin goes pretty much wide open all day and evening with just short
rests inbetween. The good news is he sleeps all night. Last night he
came over to my side of the bed and whined to be let out to pee. I did
not hear him but Bob did. This morning around 6:30 he did it again.
Having to keep the doors to all the rooms shut is somewhat of a pain
but that too shall go away in a few months.
Friday 27 May 2011
We had a wicked storm come through last night
around 11 but did not know it until this morning. Bob and I were both
awake because the power blipped but we did not hear anything. I saw one
really bright flash of lightening. This morning when Bob took Colin out
for first time he said the recycle bin was in the curb instead of on
the sidewalk and the trash cart was turned over. Two branches from the
neighbor's tree were hanging down to the ground in our driveway having
not broken off all the way. I had one large limb in front of the garage
door I had to move before I could pull out. Otthewise there was mostly
leaves and sticks all over the place. When I got to work and checked
the local news web site our side of town got nailed pretty bad.
It was cloudy off and on most of the morning then around 1:30 we looked
out to see it was pouring. Bob called about that time to let me know it
was rumbling over here. I left work at three to go across town to the
SAS shoe store then made a library and grocery store stop on the way
home. We have just finished dinner when it started pouring again. It's
thundering now but nothing severe, at least right now.
We are watching Garrow's Law, a true story about the man who championed the "guilty until proven innocent" theory.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Bob helped today with several things on my
very long to-do list. I actually started the list two weeks ago. Last
weekend I marked a couple fo things off. This morning I hauled off a
load of cardboard and a load of stuff to the Goodwill trailor, stopped
at CVS for a few things, and back home.
We had sort of piled up the astronomy gear from the white truck in the
basement in front of some storage shelves. With the off and on using it
for my daily transportation we were not storing the stuff in the truck
like we used to. This morning we moved and organized it better to a
spot that is not in the way but easy to get to if we go observing.
The big ticket item for today was getting Bob to clean up the fnished
area so I could clean in there and so we could walk through there
without falling over something. Once he got all his kit stuff organized
and moved I vacuumed the carpets and corners good.
It was overcast and humid this morning. Now it is sunny and humid. I
picked up most of the big limbs in the front yard and hauled the two
big branches that came down in the back to the street.
I am readnig a new Deanna Raybourn, Lady Julia Grey mystery, Dark Road
to Darjeeling. Her books are set in the 1880's London, though in this
book she and her brother and sister have traveled to the Himalayas to
solve the muder of the husband of a family friend. If you like this
time period I highly recommend her books.
Sunday, 29 May 2011
[Sunday] [Next
I have a very large basket of ironing to do
first thing this morning after I cleaned off my desk and filed away a
bunch of papers. I then cleaned the bathrooms and vacuumed. Bob washed
the shower curtain in our bathroom yesterday. I cleaned the shower real
good yesterday afternoon before I rehung the curtain.
After lunch I sprayed what was left of the Roundup in my sprayer on the
natural area weeds and picked up more debris from the storms last week.
It is hot and humid especially with all the moisture in the ground from
all rain we had last week.
Last night we watched The Buccaneers on
Roku. Very good period piece about four young women, not having much
succes in US society, go to England for a London season.
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