Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 30 May 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 5 June 2011 2:00 p.m.
Monday, 30 May
Happy Memorial Day and Thank You to all the troops serving our country and to their families.
I had yard work to do at the folks house today. I decided to drive Old Blue to give it some drive time. I stopped at Lowe's
to pick up a bag of mulch for the planter around the gas light pole by
the street. While there I found a few bedding plants for the newly
created planter around my dogwood in back and a planter I had yet to
At the folks house I trimmed bushes, pulled weeds, and raked up all the
clippings. It was already hot and humid at 9:30. I finished up around
11:30. Mom gave me a dry YMCA t-shirt that we too big for dad to wear
out for lunch. We went to a new sub place, Firehouse Subs.
On the way back to their house I noticed the radiator temperature
was running hot. I called Bob as I pulled out of the driveway to see if
he wanted me to go to Merchants. We decided I might as well come home
because it would have to sit there for awhile before they could even
open the cap to see what's going on. The temperature fluctuated on the
drive across town from just over halfway to almost full hot.
I planted the flowers and mowed the lawn. That's it for me for today.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
It may be the first day of June but it feels
more like the first day August here in the Triad. Hot, sticky, humid,
yuck! I met Betsy and Nancy for dinner last night at Big Shotz. We had
a nice dinner and a chance to catch up on all our news.
Tonight I went to the Y. I just came in from watering. I only have
three small beds in the front and one in the back plus a couple of
planters. I was outside for perhaps twenty minutes including the time
it took to bring the yard card up front. I was soaked when I came in.
When I got home last night Bob was watching Soap. He was into about the
sixth episode. We watched a couple more before bedtime. I told it was
fine with me if he wants to get more of them. We both watched it before
we knew each other. I am sure we have watched it again together when
they have run marathons episods but it has been a long time ago. It
really is an excellent show. And, since we are watching the first
season of Northern Exposure that we never saw, we are going to continue
with it as well. We will rotate them in with the new stuff we are
Thursday, 2 June 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
I am reading a new Cynthia Riggs mystery, The
Bee Balm Murders featuring 92 year old Victoria Trumbull who lives on
Martha's Vineyard.
Bonnie came in to town to have lunch with me today. We walked up to
Noma's for a nice lunch. It is hot and muggy again today with no rain
in sight. This summer is starting out like last year, hot and dry.
There goes my lawn, again.
Friday 3 June 2011
A little cooler and not as humid today.
Bob and I went to dinner at Zoe's then I mowed the lawn. I created
major dust clouds as I went over the few small areas where I cannot get
grass to grow.
Colin loves to chase his tail more than I can remember Duncan and
Malcolm ever doing. He will keep at for five or ten minutes. Very often
he pins it down with his paw then proceeds to bite the end of it. He
has two speeds, wide open or asleep. He will chase the big purple ball
down the hall for awhile then he will entertain himself with one of his
toys. He will lay and growl and talk to the purple ball while fanging
it to make it squeak.
When I came home this evening he was lying at the front door. He just
laid there as I walked up on the porch wagging his tail but he did not
get up until I opened the door to come in.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
An absolutely beautiful day to be outside.
Temperatures were in the mid to high 70's with a nice breeze this
morning when I started out in the yard around 9:30. It's only 83 now
with 41% humidity. I mowed down the dead liriope I sprayed with Roundup
two weeks ago then raked up all the dead clippings. Once all the dead
stuff was cleared out I could see where I needed to spray again. Once I
am sure I have it all dead I will order a couple loads of mulch. It
will be easy to spread since the area is right next to the driveway.
I moved some primeroses, pulled weeds, and swept the sidewalk and
gutter to finish off the front yard chores. I trimmed the liriope down
in the back, swept the driveway, and washed my car after lunch. I had
intended to wash the Blue but I was getting pretty tired at that point.
We have been trying to get Colin over his fear of the stairs to the
basement. This morning I finally dragged him over to the top stair.
Once I was holding him there he took off down the steps on his own. I
had to do the same thing to get him to back up the steps. After I lured
him to the bottom step with a squeaky toy with Bob at the top calling
him, he came to the bottom step then took off to the top.
This afternoon while I was washing the car Bob brought him around to
the back on his leash then took him inside to go back up the steps
which he did with some coaxing. When I came out of the shower and was
getting dressed Bob yelled, "it finally happened". Yep, he went down
and back up, twice, without hesitation.
He is really getting to be long and tall. I am guessing he is close to 35 pounds by now.
Still need to fill the bird feeder, put clean linens on the bed, and water the plants in the front beds.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
[Sunday] [Next
A lot warmer today. I am glad I did my yard
work yesterday. I gave Bob a haircut this morning before doing the
weekly house cleaning chores. I fertilized the bedding plants and cedars
I just planted, washed the Trooper, cleaned off my desk, and paid the
bills. Bob may need my help this afternoon with the kits. Dinner to
cook but that's about it for today.
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