Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 6 June 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 11 June 2011 12:50 p.m.
Monday, 6 June
Birthday to Bob and Al. It being D-Day we orchestrated a small invasion
on the Mexican place on our side of town. Al picked up mom and dad,
Frances came by here and picked up Bob and I came from across town
after my haircut.
Bob has his kit web site up and running. Please spread the word.
I am reading one of the Kate Ellis books Bob ordered for me for my
birthday last year, The Blood Pit, published 2008. I had not been able
to find her most recent three in the US so I finally had Bob get them
for me.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Not much in the news except for the heat. The
temperatures are more like August then the first of June. Hot and
muggy. I went to the Y last night. After we ate dinner I watered the
plants and my red dogwood bush. It was almost wilted from the heat. As
I have mentioned before, Bermuda grass loves this weather. It's really
high though, even in this heat, the other grass has grown some. I need
to mow but I'll wait until the high moves on and hopefully brings in
some cooler air.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
I took dad back over to High Point this
afternoon to get his new hear digital hearing aids. It was very
interesting to watch them be installed. The audiologists had the
hearing aids connected to her lap top while she installed them in dad's
ears. The small speaker device sits atop the ear with a very thin line
connecting it to the actual piece that goes in the ear which is roughly
the size of a small pea. Once they were in she tweaked the devices to
his ears based on the tests she did last visit. Once the aids were no
longer connected to her laptop she did different tests to see how they
felt hearing wise, etc. They are actually not turned up all the way.
For the first week they are at about 80% to give dad a chance to get
used to "hearing" things as well as his own voice when he talks.
We had dad call Bob on his cell phone for a test. He could hear really
well. While on the phone Bob warned dad a bad storm was approaching
Winston. We could hear the thunder while we were in the hearing place.
It started raining as we made our way back toward 311 to come back to
Winston. When I turned onto 311 from 68 we could see the wall of rain
coming. I had my first experience driving my new car in a heavy
downpour. Being used to the heavy, rear wheel drive Trooper, I was not
sure how this car would feel on the road.
Once we got back to Winston we picked mom up from volunteering at the
hospital to go for some dinner. I brought Bob back a takeout. We did
not get much in the way of rain at our house but the temperatures
dropped from about 98 this afternoon to the mid 80's.
Friday 10 June 2011
Another hot and humid day. We took Colin to
the vet's this afternoon for his last round of puppy shots. Sue said it
would be okay to start walking him down the block and back but not to
take him off anywhere for another two weeks. He weighed in at 35
pounds. Since he is only 4 months old he should reach 70 pounds by full
adulthood. I will get some new pictures this weekend.
Bob checked the Trooper before we left. He discovered the resevoir for
the radiator fluid was low so he added some water. It still over heated
on the way out to the vet's and on the way back home. I hope it is just
low on coolant. We will take it over to Merchant's in the morning to
have it looked at.
The skies were pretty dark just south of Winston as we headed back from
Clemmons. We hit the thunderstorm about a mile or so from the house. I
had planned to mow when we got home but just as we got in the bottom
fell out. It's still thundering and raining; from the radar it looks
like we may have more coming in.
Saturday, 11 June 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I took the Trooper to Merchant's this
morning. They added coolant and put pressure on the system to check for
leaks. They could find one but that does not mean there is not one
somewhere else. For now, we can keep an eye on it and add coolant when
necessary. From there I went to the drug and grocery stores.
We had a little over an inch of rain from last night's storms. With the
Bermuda grass so high and still a little damp I used the bagger
to mow. Then I edged and patched a place in the front lawn near the
sidewalk with seed and fertilizer. It's small enough I can keep it
watered during the hot weather to see if I can some grass to come up
there before fall. I've patched it several times in the fall with
little success.
I finished up around 1, just as it was getting really hot. It's to be
another hot one today with a chance of thunderstorms. I am supposed to
take mom and dad to the baseball game tonight for a 7pm game. Will have
to wait to see how the weather plays out for that.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
[Sunday] [Next
We had another half inch of rain yesterday
evening starting around 5:00 just as I was leaving to pick up the folks
to go to the baseball game. It was not raining on their side of town
but just as we parked in the lot and starting walking to the area where
the concessions are located and our seats, it started to pour down. A
friend of my parents went with us this time since Frances could not go.
One of Dash volunteers brought mom and dad plastic chairs to sit in
behind the last row of seats of the section where our tickets are
located while Brian and I bought foods. I took one of the seats about
two rows down from the top which was under cover of the upper deck to
eat since those seat holders had not shown up yet. The rain finally
quit allowing the game to start about 15 minutes late.
At the top of the 7th inning I went up to use the bathroom, get a
drink, and a funnel cake to share with dad while Brian go himself a
drink. When I came back down to our row instead of finding them in
their seats dad was being wheeled up the steps in a rolling chair with
his head bandaged. While I was gone a foul ball came their way. Mom
yelled at dad to duck which he did. He put his arms over his head and
leaned over toward my seat. But the ball struck him on the back top of
his head. I hurring back up to follow them around to the first aid
station. They Dash people and medical personnel did an excellent job in
attending to dad. Once they cleaned the wound, took his blood pressure,
and felt around for any serious injuries they determined he was okay
but should to the hospital for a scan.
While I went to get the car to bring it around to the back entrance to
the park they wheeled dad down to meet me. Off to the emergency room,
we arrived around 10pm. They checked him in then sent him back out to
the waiting area because all the beds in the ER were full. There we sat
for an hour an a half before they called him back. Thankfully he was
not hurt worse. I called Frances as soon as we got to the hospital to
let her know what happened. She came down later on. Al, a motor coach
driver, was due to back from a trip around midnight. He showed up at
the hospital around 12:30. It was well after 1am before he went for his
scans. If you have never sat in a hospital waiting room on a Saturday
night, you have no idea of what you see and hear. ER's are clogged up
with people using them as doctor's offices making it very difficult for
seriously injured and sick people to get seen. The scans came back
negative. The hospital had valet parked my car, so the attendant had to
go get it from the parking deck. He walked Frances to her car: Al was
parked in an ER parking spot nearby. I transferred their stuff into
Frances' car, she took them home, and I headed home arriving here at
2:30am. I took me about an hour before I finally was able to fall
asleep. Because the volunteer there and all his medical records are at
Baptist, he will not go to the other hospital emergency room. I have
never been to Baptist and not spent at least four hours or more waiting
for mom or dad to get treatment. It is a situation that sorely needs to
be looked into when you send injured, sick, and hurting people out to a
waiting area where family members are waiting.
I took Colin out when I got home. When he goes out during the night he
usually wants to come up in bed for a few minutes then jumps down to
sleep on his bed by Bob. Instead, he slept on the bed by my feet all
night. I am not sure if he missed me or if he just knew something was
wrong. Bob took him out sometime earlier this morning but he let us
sleep until 9am. I just called dad, he is fine.
More storms in the forecast for this afternoon. I ironed this morning
then cleaned house. Not sure I up to much more than that for today.
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