Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 2 January 2006
Latest Update: Sunday, 8 January 2006 4:30 p.m.
Monday, 2
Bob, I have some end of year/first of year administrative stuff to take
care of. I set up the 2006 file folders for filing tax related things.
2005 stuff has to be pulled for Bob to work on the taxes. On the
computer I have to set up 2006 spread sheets for checkbook registers,
medical expenses, etc in Star Office.
It is a rain, cold, and nasty day outside. My new wireless rain gage
has recorded .08 inches of rain. Bob installed it yesterday afternoon.
Most of the yard that has wood for mounting the rain receptacle is
covered by trees. We ended up putting on on the landscape timber box
that was around the weeping cherry we had taken out. We also have a
chance for severe weather this afternoon. My new NOAA weather radio may
also get a chance to see some action today as well. We have one of the
new ones that only warns of severe weather for our specific area.
The house for the most part is cleaned and put back together. I
cleaned out and organized my kitchen towel pantry as well as the
bathroom towel closet. I still have my office to finish plus a pile of
stuff on my desk that needs to be sorted and filed.
I am sure I am not the first person to make this discovery. As I
mentioned yesterday I have all my knick knacks to put back out which I
like to give a good dusting to. It is very hard to dust or clean my
cottages and Border Collie statues. Canned air! Yep, a light pssst gets
rid of accumulated dust without damaging the porcelain. One of the
problems with me cleaning delicate things is that I do not have soft
hands. That plus being something akin to a bull in a china shop I am
very nervous when it comes to handling this stuff. The canned air also
makes the process go much faster.
Tuesday, 3
January 2006
It was very hectic at work today with
tomorrow promising to be the same or worse. After a week by myself it
was good to have my co-worker Jackie back today for support.
I did go to the gym after dinner then dropped off some stuff at the
library and made a pet store. In addition to treats I picked up a dog
bed/crate liner for Malcolm. We tried using one when he was smaller but
he did not like it. We thought we would try again now that he is older.
I finished up reading the latest Peter Robinson and started another
Sally Wright. This one is also set in Scotland.
We recorded a total of .91 inches in our new rain gage as of 8am this
morning. The wet weather was gone by the time I walked at lunch with
temperatures at almost 60 degrees. Way too warm for January.
It's getting late so I guess I better finish up so I can go out and
give some attention to the dogs.
Wednesday, 4
January 2006
Thursday, 5
January 2006
[Thursday] [Friday]
We all have them. Yesterday was the day from
Hell at work. By the time I made a library and grocery store stop on
the way home I was done in for the remainder of the evening.
Fortunately today things were back on track with a much more normal day.
It is still very warm with temperatures today reaching 60 degrees. I
think a cold front is to come in tonight but it is to warm back up for
the weekend.
I made to the gym tonight in time to catch the 6:30 spin class. I had
not signed up but met the instructor on the way into the locker room
and she asked me if I was coming to class. Since she asked I knew that
meant the class was not full so I told her I would. The Thursday night
class goes for an hour which means I do not get back home until 7:45 or
so. With gym on Tuesday and Thursday and grocery shopping on Wednesday
the middle of the week is very hectic.
Friday, 6 January 2006
Whew, Friday could not have come any sooner.
Today was almost as rough as Wednesday between file requests,
deliveries, and just generally being busy. We certainly seem to be
getting the New Year off to a very busy start.
It has turned somewhat colder today and very windy. I had to run
errands downtown during my lunch hour dropping of the Friends
newsletter at the printers, buying the stamps to mail it out, going to
the bank, etc. I guess that just added to the already hectic day at
work since I did not have time to read and just do my usual mind
clearing walk.
Saturday, 7
January 2006
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Fortunately Malcolm woke me up this morning
at 8:15 with a face slurp. I woke up around 6:45 but fell back into a
sound sleep. I wanted to make the 9 o'clock spin class and did not set
the alarm for 8. I hardly ever sleep much later than that unless we
have been out the night before observing.
After spin class I drove out to Lowe's Home Center to pick up some bags
of mulch and top soil. I dropped those off on the front walk then drove
around back to grab a load of stuff to take to the Goodwill truck. When
I got back home I called Mimi to see if the guys could go down for a
visit with Oscar. He has grown up a lot and filled out nicely. He is
very large, bigger than Duncan and sort of goofy acting but a nice dog.
He enjoys romping around with my guys. Oscar will be getting a new half
sister the first of February. The new puppy, Trudy, is a small female
with the same dad as Oscar but a different mom.
After lunch I went outside to complete my yard chores. I used the mulch
to top dress the new bed where I took down the weeping cherry and in
the new bed where the dogwood tree was. I had to fill in the area
around the bush I transplanted there because there was not enough dirt
left. After filling in the area I topped dressed it as well. In back,
where I dug up the bushes I moved to the front I put some top soil down
to start filling in that area so I can seed it this spring. I will have
to fill it again since it sinks down after a few rains until I get the
area level with the rest of the ground. I picked up sticks and
then called it a day outside.
This afternoon I am preparing the Friends of the Library newsletter to
be mailed out Monday: folding, adding mailing labels, and stamps. With
roughly 100 plus members it takes awhile so I work on it then stop to
do other things.
Last night we started watching the final season of upstairs/Downstairs.
Tonight we shall watch the last two episodes.
Sunday, 8
January 2006
[Sunday] [Next
We had a heavy frost over night making it too
cold to play golf this morning. Dad does not do well in real cold
temperatures plus we would not be able to tee until the frost lifted
which would have been something like 10 o'clock. Instead, I picked up
mom and dad at 9:15 to go over to Frances and Al's for brunch. They
fixed waffles, hash browns, eggs, and bacon.
We went back to mom and dad's around 11 so I could get started on some
yard projects for dad. I trimmed a couple of bushes by the front door
then started pulling up the blue juniper rug that has been on the bank
in the back yard for years. Part of it died last year and the rest of
it was getting straggly looking. The runners were not hard but the root
systems for the main bushes were thick and deep. Once I get those dug
out I will transplant some monkey grass dad has in the back onto the
I ran out gas before I got the roots dug completely about 2 and came on
home. After a shower I rested while checking my mail and reserving some
books from the online library catalog.
This evening I have bills to pay and the check book to balance
otherwise we shall spend the evening resting and relaxing getting ready
for another week.
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