Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 16 March 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 22 March 2009 4:00 p.m.
Monday, 16 March 2009
and out early this morning for my 7:50 doctor appointment with my
orthopedist. He ordered two x-rays of my just operated on knee. One
front view, one side. As he told me when he did my surgery, it is ugly.
The outer side of my knee looks great, the inside and the knee cap not
so good. I have a cyst on both creating the current inability to walk
with full weight on the knee.
The best cure is a knee
replacement. He agreed with me I am too young since they only last
about ten years. And, of course, the longer I wait the better the
technology gets. They measured me for a high tech, personally made
brace that runs into the thousands of dollars and gave me a brochure on
the Synvisc shots. They will call my insurance to see if one
and/or both are covered and the cost to me. The other option is to do
nothing for the time being and continue to take my anti-inflammatory
medicine and limp. I can play golf, work out at the gym, etc. If the
knee will let me do it, I can and will.
Another nasty
day. We had roughly 2 inches over the weekend with maybe another
half inch today. This is all supposed to move out of here by tomorrow.
current Stephen Booth I am reading, The Dead Place, is not as good as
the previous books. Not sure what I don't like about it, just not
enjoying it as much as the others. I have two library books to read
then I am going to read some of the books on my TBR shelf for a week or
so before reserving more of the Tapply, Booth, Hills, and Susan
Albert's I have been reading of late.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
The sun finally made an appearance this afternoon. First time since Friday. It also warmed things up nicely.
Southern Foods order arrived just before I got home. We ate dinner
first then unpacked and put away the food in the freezer.
I had feedback from one of Bob's readers concerning my knee
replacement and options. If any of you have had experience with the
Synvisc shots or the knee braces
I would love to hear from you. The one I linked to is similar to the
one I was measured for. I have very few options but some big decisions
to make.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
No update.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
Okay, who keeps adding extra days to the week. I swear, the last two or three five day work weeks have been 7 days instead.
am taking a non-fiction reading break grabbing a short book from my TBR
shelf last night. In the past I have always taken a break from reading
mysteries by picking up a non-fiction book or a non-mystery novel. I
have not done that lately which I why I think I did not enjoy the
latest Booth. I am reading another Jon Katz
Border Collie book: A Good Dog: The Story of Orson, Who Changed
My Life. I have read two of his previous books which touch on his
adoption of Orson, his writing, and his purchase of a farm in upstate
Speaking of Border Collies. Duncan is not getting around
too well these days though he is still as stubborn and grouchy as ever.
His back left leg almost drags along behind him it is so far out of the
hip socket. He can still walk but falls down a lot especially in the
house. When he falls outside and sometimes inside he panics and starts
thrashing around when we try to help him up. I am not sure what will
happen first: he will fall causing his hip to break or completely
dislocate or he will have a heart attack from the panicking. He is
still alert, enjoys going out and trying to play ball, and is eating
Malcolm is still a maniac at 9 years old though he is slowing down a little.
NCAA games started today. Duke plays late tonight, 9:30 but I may try to stay up long enough to watch the first half.
Friday 20 March 2009
No update.
Saturday, 21 March
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Last night we went out with scope observing
for the first time in several month. The conditions were as good as we
have seen in the last year that we have tried to get out. Bob and
I bagged between 6 and 8 objects on our lists. It was somewhat chilly
with the wind kicking up every once in awhile. We left around 11:20
getting home at midnight. After giving the dogs an out and some
playtime and reading a few chapters in my Dana Stabenow mystery it was
one o'clock before I turned off the light.
Malcolm was still up rather early even after the late night last time. Bob got up with the dogs letting me sleep in.
needed to make a trip to Home Depot so we combined that with my
trip to Wal-Mart to do the weekly shopping. It was time to pick up a
few things I cannot get at the grocery store.
This afternoon I
had the dogs out to run around while I did some yard work. I dug up two
dead bushes and moved one to the spot where one bush came out. It may
do better in that spot. Then I mowed the lawn. It was high in spots
plus it helps it to regenerate better by mowing the grass tops down.
Wake Forest lost last night but Carolina and Duke play tonight. Golf and basketball, rest and reading for this afternoon.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
[Sunday] [Next
This morning I did the weekly house cleaning
chores then off to my folks for a visit. I took them to lunch at IHOP.
Back at their house I did a couple of things they needed taken care of
before coming home to wash my car.
This morning we had a light
frost. It warmed up this afternoon to the high 50's or low 60's by 1:30
or so with light winds and sunny skies.
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