Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 27 July 2009
Latest Update: Saturday, 1 August 2009 1:30 p.m.
Monday, 27 July 2009
have broken yet another pair of glass frames. Last night while I was
cleaning my glasses the top part of the frame broke off at the nose
bridge. Bob tried super glue but there is not enough there to hold it.
Fortunately I have my previous pair on hand. I could see fairly well at
a distance but reading at bedtime was pretty rough. I managed a few
chapters before giving up and turning off the light.
It was past due time for my eye exam but I had been putting it off
until I could fine a new place to go. I was having to use the very
bottom of the bifocal for reading, my cue it was time for a new
prescription. For the last few years I had been going to Baptist
hospital for both exam and glasses from their optical shop. The last
few pairs of very expensive titanium frames I have bought have had to
be replaced when the broke and I was fed up with how long it was taking
for an exam.
This morning I was at the optical department at
8:30 when they opening. Of course, being titanium, they could not be
fixed and they were out of warranty. I told them to find anything that
was cheap they had on hand that would fit my lenses. Progressive
bifocals are ground specifically to fit the frames so the eyes line up
with the correction. I can see okay at a distance and at arms length
but they don't quit line up for close reading. It is at least better
than with my old pair. The frames are tortoiseshell instead of the wire
frames I have been wearing. To me, I look pretty weird.
I had
narrowed my new eye doctor's down to three. I called the one I was
leaning toward to see about getting an appointment. Turns out they had
a cancellation for next Monday morning. I mentioned the place to
several people at work with positive feedback. I will let them
recommend where I should get the prescription filled.
On to
the gym from work. Frances and I did our workouts. We are watching some
more episodes of Mad Men. No rain. The storm last night missed us as
did the one late this afternoon.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
I am reading the fourth and most recent book by C.S. Harris in her Sebastian St. Cyr. series.
are watching the first 2 hours of an old Mystery that aired back in
1999, Heat of the Sun. I am sure we saw it when it aired on PBS but I
don't remember all the details.
Hot and muggy. A 60% chance of
storms/rain tonight and 80% tomorrow. We need the rain, a nice steady
all day affair, not a gully washer. We had just enough last night to
wet the street and lawn not under the trees.
Duncan is doing somewhat better. We have started him on a regular schedule of a half of a tramadol
morning and at night. So are he seems to be walking around a little
better and has had a couple of good nights sleeping. We will see how it
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
No update.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
I had lunch yesterday with Marcy. When
I got back to work I had a message on my phone from mom to call back
ASAP. Dad was asking to go to the emergency room. I quickly logged out
and headed for the car calling Bob on the way to let him know what was
going on. We arrived at the hospital around 2pm. They checked dad in
then wheeled him in the wheelchair out to the waiting area. There we
sat for two hours before he was taken back to the ER.
Mom came
out half an hour later to let us know they had drawn blood, taken a
urine sample, and started him on an IV drip and later for a scan. At 7
we left to go out to grab a quick bite to eat. They called Al on his
cell just as we were leaving to return to the hospital to let us know
he was ready to go home. Severe dehydration was all they could come up
with. I got home sometime after nine.
In the meantime
Frances' car was in the shop. Al had picked her up at work to bring her
to meet us at the hospital. She rode with me last night to take mom and
dad back home, get them settled, and to borrow dad's car. I called this
morning just before I left to go to work. Dad had slept all night and
was feeling somewhat better. I checked on him again mid-morning, he
sounded more like himself.
Frances called at 4 to let me know
her car would not be ready. Dad needed to go to the store and
drugstore. Rather then make them wait until she got off from work at 8,
went over from work to pick him up to run his errands. I did my little
bit of grocery shopping too, dropped him back off, making it home
around 7:15. We unloaded the groceries and fixed a quick dinner.
afternoon we got about 1/4 of an inch of rain from a quick moving
storm, the same again earlier this evening. It's only 77 degrees but
the humidity is 80%. I think most of the rain is over for tonight but a
chance again tomorrow. The grass is getting fairly high now that I've
had some rain on the fertilizer.
Friday 31 July 2009
No update.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Between dad getting sick, Duncan having an up and down week, and work,
it has been a long week. I caught on my ironing this morning before
heading outside.
I transplanted some more liriope in the back
where my wash problem is. Don't know why I didn't do that long time
ago. It really is the only thing you can plant where there is a heavy
wash when it rains and not much in the way of sun.
After I
picked up sticks and edged the front I mowed with the catching bag on.
There are a lot of maple leaves down in the front, I guess from the dry
weather. And, the Bermuda grass had gotten really high from all the
hot, dry weather. I swept up what didn't get sucked up by the mower and
called it a day. I started around 10 while the temperatures where in
the high 70's but the humidity was already well into the 60% range. By
the time I finished sometime after 12, there was nary a dry thread on
my clothing.
Duncan has been pretty good at night after I was
up with him most of Monday night. But he has not been walking too well
all week long and spending most of his days stomping his feet to get
attention from Bob. We think maybe he hurt one or both of him front
legs which is not good with his back ones already bad. He has starting
doing something like a flip sideways when we try to bring him up the
two front steps into the house. He really, really, does not like to
cooperate and do what we want him to do. I think when tried one of his
sideways flips he landed sideways on the top step and fell back down.
He may have hurt a leg or even his ribs. He has lost so much weight
they have very little fat to pad them.
I am reading another tea
shop mystery by Laura Childs, The Jasmine Moon Murder. Rest, reading,
and golf this afternoon. I have some beef ribs from Costco to through
on the grill for dinner.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Sadly one of our favorite mystery writers, William Tapply,
died July 28th. Bob and I are still reading the books in his Brady
Coyne series. We had read the two Stoney Calhoun books. According to
his web site the third book in the Calhoun series will still be
House cleaning chores this morning. Today it is
mostly cloudy with a chance of rain. We had a brief shower sometime
early this morning. The temperatures are only in the high 70's to low
80's but the humidity is brutal. I had the dogs out back for a short
playtime. Occasionally we get a good breeze. I sat on the front
porch for reading for awhile and to keep Duncan company while he was
lying in the front yard. We hate we leave him out when it is
either hot and/or humid but he just loves lying out in the yard looking
around. At this point I will let him do whatever it takes to make
him happy as long as it is not adverse to his health.
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