Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 1 March 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 7 March 2010 1:30 p.m.
Monday, 1 March 2010
and the first day of a new month. I cannot believe it is already March.
My early snow crocuses are in bloom. My tulips, daffodils etc. are
showing about an inch or so above the ground. During the cold and
freezing weather my winter pansies looked very sad. Now, with the
warmer weather they have bloomed out rally nicely. I pulled off the
tops of the plants with burned leaves and flowers to see if they will
come back.
Snow/rain in the forecast for tonight and
tomorrow. I don't think it will amoung to much, espcially on the roads
with the warmer temperatures the last few days.
On to the Y from work, a quick dinner, and watching some more Touch of Frost's until time to go to bed to read.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
I sat up late last night to finish the Sister
Frevisse. Today at lunch I started another in the J.A. Jance Ali
Reynolds series, Hand of Evil.
It started snowing mid-morning
and has continued pretty much all day. Early this afternoon I heard
some of the nearby counties had roads getting slick/slushy but I think
ours stayed mostly just wet. By the time I left work some of the lawns
had enough to cover the grass except for under trees and bushes. The
roads were still just wet. I made a quick stop at the library to pick
up some reserve books and return some others.
We just got in
from walking Malcolm. The snow is really coming down hard now and
starting to cover the roads. As the temperatures fall and if the snow
keeps up like it is now we could get a couple of inches by morning.
Looks like the kids will have another snow day.
We are watching the first episode of An Unsuitable Job for A Woman
about a young lady who inherits an investigation agency after he boss
commits suicide. The show has several of our favorite British
actors/actresses. Bob and I may have watched this when if aired on
Mystery but my recollection of the story lines are vague at best.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Middle of the week. Work, Y, dinner, play ball with Malcolm, go to bed, read, sleep. Boring but predictable.
Thursday, 4 March 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday 5 March 2010
It happened just like it does on the
television cop shows. A friend and I from work walked across the street
to the RJ Reynolds Plaza building to eat lunch in their cafeteria. It
is only open to RJR employees and Womble employees. From the
street to the front entrance is about a hundred yards or so with two
sets of very wide stairs and an open courtyard area. The front has two
revolving doors.
Just as we started up the steps I heard someone
behind me running. As I turned around a guy went flying by us with a
small backpack and into the building. About the time we saw him we
heard sirens and saw cop cars pulling up to the curb. Flying up the
steps in hot pursuit was a uniformed cop most likely in his late 20's
or early 30's. Behind him, puffing up the stairs were two older cops
dressed in the downtown bike patrol uniforms.
Like those
British detective shows we watch, the younger cop always goes chasing
after the perp with the older detective bringing up the rear. We
stepped aside to give all the cops room to get inside. Once we got
inside there was a small crowd in the lobby. We went on up the stairs
to the cafeteria and went over the windows to look that look down over
the hallway where the guy must have headed after he got in the
building. I have no idea where he came from but why he ran into a
building to escape the cops I don't know unless he thought they would
go on down the street and not see him run up the steps.
The cops
had him spread eagle, face down in the hall with his hands cuffed
behind him. Thankfully the guy did not have a gun. What he did , I have
no idea. But I was closer to the action than I would have wanted to be.
tonight with the folks, Frances, Al, and our friend Marcy at Aragatos,
one of the Japanese cook at your table places. Al just got back from
being gone over a month at the Olympics busing folks to events. We were
celebrating, a few days early, Frances' birthday and mom and dad's
anniversary which is next week. Lots of fun and the food was pretty
good too.
Saturday, 6 March 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Errands this morning then back home to get
started on the yard work. Malcolm helped with the preliminary stuff
before I had to put inside. I fired up my lawn vacuum to get up the
worst of the leaves and small sticks. The bigger ones I had to pick up
by hand. Those darn little oak leaves are really hard to get up. The
ones closer to the top of the grass will come up but those stuck to the
ground will only come up by raking which I will not do. They will
eventually come up once the grass starts growing and/or disappear. The
lawn vacuum also gets up a lot of dead grass and other "junk" that
accumulates in the grass over the winter.
I did the front and
back before taking a lunch break. After lunch I washed the salt and
grime off the blue trooper. Warmer temperatures this week so if we do
get any precipitation it will be in the form of rain. Today is high in
the mid 50's with some breeze and lots of sunshine. Very nice weather
for getting outdoors.
I am almost finished reading the Ali Reynolds. I have one Sister Frevisse left
to read, The Apostate's Tale, that catches me up with the all the books
currently published in that series. I hope she will be writing more.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
[Sunday] [Next
We are all going to have a bad case of spring fever with another sunny day and temperatures in the low 60's.
House cleaning chores this morning. I had Malcolm out back for some playtime.
this week I discovered our answering machine was not working when I
tried to replay a message. Rather than replace the machine we are now
using the voice mail function on our phone system. I had dad call and
listen to the new message to make sure he knew he had the correct
number when he called and to test the system. Bob and I both get an
e-mail alerting us to a new message. Bob can actually hear the message,
I only get a notification.
Time to read, rest, relax, and perhaps spend a little more time outdoors.
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