Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 5 April 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 11 April 2010 2:50 p.m.
Monday, 5 April 2010
fixed a great meal for Easter dinner last night. Cornish hens, macaroni
salad, yams, squash casserole, and deviled eggs. I bought a small
spiral ham. In addition to us and the folks her and Al invited a friend
who would have been having dinner by himself for the holiday. Tonight
we had leftovers.
I finally called the doctor this morning.
Whatever I came down with
last week was not getting better though I did feel better yesterday i
was still coughing and wheezing this morning. Turns out I have
bronchitis and asthma, neither of which I have ever had before. It most
likely came from my allergies and/or the virus I got at the same time.
He gave me the five day antibiotic treatment and an inhaler to clear up
the wheezing. In the past when I've had started out with the symptoms I
had last week it will usually get better with over the counter
Another very warm day, high 80's. I don't know if we set a record or not but we had to come close for this time of year.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
I finally made it back to the Y last night. I am feeling better though the cough continues.
I came home and mowed the lawn again. Tis the spring season. I will
have to mow every four days for awhile to the grass under control.
Everything is covered in yellow pollen. The count yesterday and today
was in the red zone for high. With the wind blowing it is making things
worse. It has also been very warm for this time of year.
have decided to give the TV series Sopranos a try. Since it ran on HBO
we couldn't watch it when it aired. I'm not much for mob shows but it's
okay so far. We've also been watching the episodes of Cold Feet Bob
downloaded. Not too bad quality but we do have to watch them sitting in
Bob's office.
Thursday, 8 April 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
We finally have rain but not the kind we
need. Tornado warnings all around us again including us. It is pouring
buckets right now with lots of high winds.
The bad weather had
not reached our area when I left work so I went on to the Y for my
workout. I just managed to get the trash out before the worst of it got
here. Recycling will have to wait until morning with all the winds and
stuff it would blow away.
It was so windy downtown this
afternoon it blew a porta-potty into the street that was sitting on the
sidewalk where they are doing some construction work. I walk back and
forth that way from the parking deck to the building. I was curious as
to why it was sitting across the street from the corner where it was.
Walking up toward the car a girl I know from work told me. Just lost
power. Better go.
Friday 9 April 2010
The power was up and down but we never lost
it completely. A lot of brilliant lightening, thunder, and heavy rain.
Bob went to bed around 8:30. I finished my book then took Malcolm out
for a quick walk around 9:15. By then it was just a steady rain. We had
about an inch of rain at that point. I forgot to look tonight when I
walked Malcolm after dinner to see how much we ended up getting.
started a new author last night, Donna Ball. Another NC author, her
mystery series features Raine Stockton, a Forest Service consultant who
runs a dog boarding and kennel facility in the Smoky Mountains of NC.
She has a young golden retriever, Cisco, she is teaching to do search
and rescue.
Cool again after the front came through. Tonight is to be back down into the mid 30's again.
Saturday, 10 April 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Errands this morning. Bob needed two more
goose neck table lamps for shooting pictures/videos. Since Wal-Mart had
what he needed I saved the few things I needed from the grocery store
for that trip. While I was out there I stopped in at Cahterine's, a
local clothing store, where Frances and I both like to shop. I buy 90%
of my work and casual clothing online from Lands End and Women Within.
I only go in there a couple of times a year, usually when they are
offering some type of sale. One of the reason I don't go often is when
Frances and/or mom are in the store if they see something I would like
they will pick it up for me. Today they had more of the type of shirts
and blouses I wear than usual so I picked up a few new things for
spring to replace some of my older looking tops.
On the way home from there I made a quick stop at Lowe's to pick up new hose nozzles and weed/grass killer.
helped pick up sticks and do some other things in the yard before I
took a lunch break. I had a lot of limbs and debris in the yard from
the storm the other night. I also moved a bush from the front to the
back to see if will come back. The harsh winter about did it in. Then I
mowed. I was too tired to edge.
This afternoon reading and
watching the Masters golf tournament. Bob is still battling this
nasty bug. I feel better but I'm still coughing and using my inhaler.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
[Sunday] [Next
Oh what a beautiful day in the Triad. Blue
skies, temperatures in the mid 70's, slight breeze, etc. etc. Things
are still coated in yellow but that too shall pass. That loud growling
noise you hear is Bob working on the taxes. He hates the Christmas
holidays, I hate it when the taxes are due.
I did the usual
house cleaning chores this morning then went over to my folks house. I
picked up sticks, pulled some weeds, and did a few other things needed
doing while mom was fixing lunch.
This afternoon I had Malcolm out to run around and play.
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