Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 8 November 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 14 November 2010 3:00 p.m.
Monday, 8 November
Monday rolls around quickly. After another chilly start to the
day it warmed up nicely into the mid 60's today. I had a haircut
appointment after work then had to run a quick errand on the way home.
We watched some more episodes of Crossing Jordan. Not as good as
some of the other shows we watch but I want to see the rest of ones Bob
was able to find. We are back to Grey's Anatomy tonight.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
I hate the time change thing regardless of
springing forward or falling back. Either one messes up my body clock
for at least a week. I am waking up an hour early in the morning before
the alarm goes off then find I am ready for bed by 8:30pm.
I went to the Y after work. Since Bob wanted just soup for dinner I opened a can of Chef Boyardee for me.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Thursday 11, November 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
A busy day at work then off to the Y.
I am reading the latest book in Susan Wittig Albert's Beatrix Potter
mysteries, The Tale of Oat Cake Crag. As I've mentioned before, Albert
uses the real life aspects of Potter with her fictional characters both
human and animal. As an aside, in parenthesis where notable, she adds a
current tidbit. For example, in this story she mentions Potter's
rowboat she kept tied up at a nearby lake (Potter lived in the Lake
District) being used by two of the chacters in the story. Albert
briefly mentions that boat was discovered in 1976, restored, and is now
housed in the Windermere Station Museum.
It's been a long week. Glad tomorrow is Friday!
Friday 12 November 2010
Saturday, 13 November 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
We had a hard freeze last night. After I
finished reading the paper I started on some odds and ends projects
waiting on it to warm up enough to get started in the yard. Once I
finished my projects I decided I might as well do the house cleaning
rather than wait until tomorrow. On the Sunday's I go to my folks house
it really rushes me to get the house chores done before I need to
leave. Since I planned on going tomorrow I now have the house work
It did warm up, to about 60 degrees by midday. I took Malcolm out to
run around while I did a few minor things in the yard. The hard freeze
finally did in my lantana and most of the flowers on my mum. I cut
those back then tackled the spent blooms on the high geranium in the
back at the back edge of the yard. I discovered a new red bud tree
trying to grow and a new maple, neither of which I want nor need. I
have enough leaves to contend with. Roots and all are now safely in the
yard cart.
I fired up the blower to get the leaves off the deck and the natural
area by the deck for tomorrow's yard vacuuming. That's about it for
today other than putting away the clean cloths and fixing dinner.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
[Sunday] [Next
I caught up on my ironing before I went to
the folks house this moring. I also flatten and hauled off a load of
boxes on the way. My mom has been under the weather the past few days.
When I got to the house dad needed me to take him to CVS to pick up
medicine for my mom. We picked up lunch to bring back home while we
were out.
I got around 1:15, I had all the leaves vaccumed up by 2:30, not bad at
all. Grilled ribs and pasta salad for dinner. We've been watching more
of Grey's Anatomy.
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