Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 3 January 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 9 January 2011 2:40 p.m.
Monday, 3 January
day back to work in ten days. I was really excited to get back into the
swing of things. I love my work and going to work despite the hectic or
frustrating days. Things did not look too bad when I got in this
morning. Twenty or so files piled up to be either shelved or indexed
and then shelved. A big stack of filing to sort and a couple of "do
this first ASAP". I had most of easy stuff handled by lunch time
leaving the afternoon to take care of the more detailed stuff. I still
have about 1000 pages that need bates labeled to get to.
I had my 4:30 chiropractor appointment then needed to make a stop a
Lowe's hardware which is right around the corner from his office.
Still have not heard anything from the transmission place. I wonder if they are having to rebuild it for a second time.
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
No update.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Bob called the transmission place yesterday.
Not good news. The bottom line is they were searching for a computer
sensor that would cost us more money to install after just paying them
$2400 to fix it in October. Bob called them me then called them back to
tell them to cease work and have the truck driveable for us to go pick
up. When we got there he told them we wanted our money back since it
was supposed to have been repaired the first time. After it was fixed I
had to take it back two weeks later because the transmission light was
coming on. They supposedly looked at it and said there was nothing
wrong. Now, two months later we need more repair work to fix it again.
I don't think so.
I consulted with one of the attorney's I work for this morning to find
out what our options are. Bob called American Express to see if we
could get a charge back on our card. Steps are being taken in that
direction. In the meantime Bob needs to get a letter writting outlining
everything that has happened.
Busy day at work. I went to they Y after. Snow in the forecast for tonight.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
No snow but a few patches of black ice in the neighborhood. Once
I made it out the main road it was just wet. I left work at 4:15 to go
for my annual mammogram. My appointment was for 5pm. When I arrived at
4:50 the place was empty. I registered, waited maybe three minutes to
be called back. The radiologist told me to change into my top and come
back out she would be ready for me. All said and done I was in and out
in roughly 25 minutes tops. Painless, easy, and well worth the time.
On the way home I stopped at the library to pick up some reserve books
and the grocery store for milk. Bob put a chicken pie in the oven so
that dinner would ge ready when I got home.
We are watching more Grey's Anatomy on streaming.
Friday 7 January 2011
No update.
Saturday, 8 January 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Bob and I started cleanup on the unfinished
side of the basement this morning. He helped me clear out the area
behind the furnace we use for storage then we cleared out the area
behind the kitchen. That was originally going to be our darkroom but
Bob is turning it into his packaging area. We have a large pile of
stuff for Goodwill to pick up next week sitting in the middle of the
floor. We tossed all the cardboard down toward the door in a pile for
me to flatten and haul off.
We cleared an area just in front of the cars where I store my lawn
equipment to put the astonomy gear from the white truck. While I am
using it as an everyday truck we need the back seat and far back area.
Once it was emptied I vacuumed the back and put my emergency clothing
and AAA road kit in from the blue truck. I then flattened the cardboard
and dropped it off on the way over to my folks house. I decided to
visit them today instead of tomorrow.
When I pulled the white truck out to back it up to the garage door to
make it easier to unload and load the cardboard I swept out the leaves
and dirt where I my car sits. I need a warm, calm day when I can leave
both doors open to do a better job.
Around mid-morning the wind really kicked up to between 16 and 25 mph.
When I called mom to let her know I was coming today she said they had
two snow showers earlier this morning.
Sunday, 9 January 2011
[Sunday] [Next
First thing this morning I went downstairs to
get the big freezer started defrosting. While I was moving stuff from
the freezer to coolers I took an inventory of what we have and what we
need for our next Costco run.
I cleaned the bathrooms then started on the deep clean in the kitchen.
I took everything off the counters for a good scrub down then scrubbed
down the cabinet fronts. After I vacuumed the kitchen, den, foyer and
hall floors I mopped those then finished vacuuming the rest of the
The freezer was finished defrosting in a couple of hours. I don't let
it get too iced over so it doesn't take very long. I put things back
together then Malcolm and I went outside to pick up a few of the
smaller sticks. Yesterday we had a huge limb come down from the tree by
the bedroom. Luckily it did not the house. It was about twenty feet
long and roughly 4 inches in diameter at the big end. It fell straight
down coming to rest in the fork of the tree. I pulled in down and broke
it in half and left it lying under the tree for now. I have another big
pile of pine limbs down in the back. With ice and snow in the forecast
for tomorrow and Tuesday I'm sure I'll have more down.
I had the house and basement projects this weekend but it was too cold
and windy to be out sawing up limbs yesterday and today anyway. Last
night we were down in the single digits with the wind chill.
I am reading another Kate Ellis mystery, The Shinning Skull, from my
TBR pile. Bob bought the next three books in her series for my birthday
and Christmas so I wanted to get this one read.
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