Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 21 February 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 27 February 2011 2:20 p.m.
Monday, 21 February
that were lucky enough to have today off around here enjoyed warm
temperatures and a few gusty breezes. I was inside working all day,
but, what can I say? I dropped the folks off at the hospital to
volunteer on the way to work. I left at 3:45 for my chiropractor
appointment followed by my hair cut appointment.
Work was steady but not as hectic as it has been. I finished the
bates labeling project early this afternoon which gave me time to
devote to other tasks I let slide while working on that.
Yesterday afternoon I spent a couple of hours labeling Bob's kits
while I watched the golf match. No idle hands for me. I really enjoyed
doing it. Saturday and Sunday night we watched the first year, seven episodes of Downton Abbey,
via ROKU. Oh boy, was it excellent. It's somewhat like
Upstairs/Downstairs but starts just before WWI where Upstairs ended.
Yoy have to see this if you are into wonderful British Drama.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Bob always gives me the forecast for the day
in the morning while we read the newspaper and play some ball with
Malcolm. This morning he forgot and so did I until I went in the
kitchen to fix my lunch/breakfast. He takes Malcolm out while I am in
the shower. When I leave for work I usually remember to check our
outdoor thermometer to check for the current temperature. I go
downstairs to get in the car in the garage which means I never go
outside until I get to work. It's been so warm lately I've not needed a
coat even in the mornings even if it's been a litle cool since the
afternoon temperatures have been so warm. Good thing I remebered to ask
Bob the today's weather forecast because it was down in the low 30's
last night and not to get but into the low to mid 50's this afternoon
with 10-15 mph winds. It would have been a bit chilly walking up the
street in the wind tunnel on the way to work.
I am reading the last William Tapply, Brady Coyne mystery, Outwitting
Trolls. Tapply had finished the book just before he died while he was
very sick with leukemia. He finished this mystery, a stand alone
thriller, and a collection of musings on fly fishing which he loved in
real life as did his character Brady. If you have not read this series
I highly recommend it for both the writing and the characters. While
Bob and I are both not into lawyer themed mysteries we both enjpyed
this series.
On to the Y from work. Hectic day at the office but I managed to work out all the agrevations in the gym.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Dad continues to be doing well. Today he
received permission from his doctor to drive again. That will take a
load off both myself and Frances and Al, though we do not mind making
the necessary sacrifices. At some point dad will have to give up
driving. Right now he stickes pretty close to home and stays on surface
I spent an entire day bates labeling close to 2000 documents. I stayed
about half an hour late this evening to finish them up because tomorrow
I have to do production; printing off documents from the other side
they sent to us. A friend from work and I walked uptown for lunch at
the Mellow Mushroom. It's a pizze, calzone, heros and salad type place.
It was actually nice out, a little chilly but not too windy.
Last night we watched the first three episodes of another season of New
Tricks. It's still currently running but I can never keep track of
which seasons we are on with all the series we have going.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
We finally got some much needed rain today,
although it was must light and steady. Things are pretty dry in our
area. We are under a wind advisory for early tomorrow morning through
until midday with a chance of rain and storms in the morning. Hopefully
the severe weather west and south of us will not get this far.
Off to the Y after a very long and tiring day at work. Time to gather
up the trash and recycling to go out when we take Malcolm for second
Friday 25 February 2011
No update
Saturday, 26 February 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
House cleaning this morning including doing the stairs to the basement and the middle of the finished area floor.
I've had Malcolm out helping to pick up sticks blown down from the
strong winds yesterday. It's mild today, mid to high 50's with some
breeze. I cleaned up my desk and caught up on my ironing. This
afternoon I am going to watch some movies and put cap labels on Bob's
chemistry kit tubes. I have a couple of chick flicks Bob is not
interested in watching plus he does not really like to watch movies.
The only golf on this afternoon that I can gtet on our TV is the match
play competition of the top money winners. I'm not all that keen on
watching that competition.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
[Sunday] [Next
Dad's doing well but he did not feel like
riding around with me on the golf course this morning. I got to the
course around 9:30 and teed off the back by myself. Not really too bad
playing along. I played the nine holes in roughly and hour and 15
minutes. I stopped by the folks house on the way home. They wanted to
go to IHOP for lunch. We met Frances at the restaurant.
It's in the mid 70's this afternoon. Partly cloudy and breezy with a
chance of rain tonight. I played some ball outside with Malcolm when I
got home.
I will finish putting cap labels for Bob this afternoon. I am reading
the newest Rhys Bowen mystery, Royal Blood, in her Lady Georgiana
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